Phu Yen district requested to recover more than 440 million in illegal money

Hoài Luân |

Phu Yen - Through inspection, Phu Yen Provincial Inspectorate requested the Chairman of Tuy An district to direct the recovery of more than 440 million VND of illegal money to return to the state budget.

On October 7, Lao Dong news source reported that the Phu Yen Provincial Inspectorate has just concluded the responsibility of the Chairman of Tuy An District People's Committee in implementing the law on anti-corruption (PCTN) for the period 2022-2023.

A series of violations were exposed by the inspectors

In the inspection plan, Tuy An District People's Committee issued documents directing, managing and using budgetary finance; anti-corruption work in the district according to regulations.

However, the implementation of legal regulations on anti-corruption at the District People's Committee and some departments, offices, and affiliated units; and the People's Committees of communes and towns still have some limitations and shortcomings.

UBND huyen Tuy An (Phu Yen). Anh: Hoai Luan
Headquarters of Tuy An District People's Committee (Phu Yen). Photo: Hoai Luan

Through the inspection of the implementation of corruption prevention measures, Tuy An District People's Committee did not plan to organize inspections and self-inspections of corruption detection and handling.

In 2022, the Finance Department advised the Tuy An District People's Committee to prepare the district-level budget settlement for 2022 and 2023 later than the prescribed time. In 2023, the district budget revenue did not meet the provincial estimate and the district People's Council's assignment. At the end of 2023, the People's Committees of communes and towns had not yet collected public land rental fees of nearly 2.5 billion VND (491.6 hectares).

The district's Department of Natural Resources and Environment signed a contract with a consulting unit (Tam Nguyen Design Consulting Co., Ltd.) to develop annual land use planning and plans. However, upon inspection, it was discovered that some work items were calculated in duplicate, with a difference of more than 117 million VND.

There were errors in the management and use of capital for basic construction investment, resulting in the settlement of projects being over 325 million VND higher than the actual amount.

Regarding the implementation of regulations on asset and income control in the declaration and disclosure of assets and income, the District People's Committee has included a number of subjects in the list of incorrectly declared...

Request for recovery of wrongful amount

From the above conclusion, Chief Inspector of Phu Yen province requested the Chairman of Tuy An District People's Committee to direct departments, offices and affiliated units to rectify, learn from experience and overcome the above mentioned shortcomings.

Propose necessary measures to ensure the completion of the task of collecting the state budget, urge the People's Committees of communes and towns to recover public land rental fees. Strengthen the propaganda, dissemination and education of laws on anti-corruption.

Direct specialized departments to inspect, review, and guide the declaration and disclosure of assets and income at affiliated agencies and units to comply with regulations.

Require affiliated units to publicly disclose budget estimates; publicly disclose investment project portfolios and capital allocation plans for works and projects.

The Chairman of Tuy An District People's Committee directed to collect and pay to the State budget a total amount of more than 440 million VND due to errors as concluded. In which, the calculation of norms for some work items overlapped with the amount of more than 117 million VND; errors in management and use of capital sources for basic construction investment with the amount of more than 325 million VND.

Hoài Luân

Kỷ luật một số cán bộ vi phạm ở Phú Yên

Hoài Luân |

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Lào Cai dừng hoạt động bếp ăn sau vụ 49 sinh viên nhập viện

Đinh Đại |

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Lãnh đạo Đảng, Nhà nước vào Lăng viếng Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh


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Vân Trường |

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Disciplinary action against some officials who violated the law in Phu Yen

Hoài Luân |

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"Upgrading" famous tourist destinations through movies in Phu Yen

Hoài Luân |

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