20 communes and wards in Ha Tinh are equipped with public cars.

Xuyên Đông |

According to the specialized car standards of Ha Tinh Provincial People's Committee , only 20 communes and wards are equipped with 1 specialized car.

The People's Committee of Ha Tinh province issued Decision No. 18/2024/QD-UBND on standards and norms for the use of specialized vehicles (excluding specialized vehicles in the medical field) for agencies, organizations and units within the administrative scope of Ha Tinh province. The Decision takes effect from September 9, 2024.

According to the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province , this decision promulgates standards and norms for the use of specialized vehicles, including:

Vehicles with special structures (vehicles carrying money, gold, silver, precious stones; vehicles equipped with laboratory equipment, cranes, garbage collection and compression vehicles, garbage and waste vehicles...).

Cars equipped with specialized equipment (specialized equipment fixed to the car) or cars with identification signs as prescribed by law (cars equipped with satellite receivers and transmitters; mobile radio and television vehicles; traffic inspection vehicles; funeral service vehicles; customs supervision vehicles; vehicles for training, driving practice, and testing cars; cash escort vehicles...).


Car with over 16 seats.

The standards, usage norms, and purchase prices of specialized cars are specified in detail in the Appendix attached to this Decision. Notably, 15 communes and wards of Ha Tinh city; 5 communes and wards of Hong Linh town People's Committee will also be equipped with cars.

Details as follows:

The purchase price of a specialized vehicle is determined in accordance with the market price at the time of purchase of the corresponding type of specialized vehicle to be purchased and the available funding source.

Ha Tinh Provincial People's Committee stipulates the principles for equipping specialized vehicles as follows:

Ensure savings, efficiency, and suitability with functions, tasks, nature of work, usage needs, and permitted funding sources.

The number of specialized vehicles specified in this Decision is the maximum. Based on the actual need for vehicles to perform assigned tasks and the funding source for the purchase, the agency or person with authority to decide on assignment, transfer, or purchase shall consider and decide on the appropriate quantity and purchase price of vehicles, ensuring savings and efficiency.

Agencies, organizations and units are only allowed to equip or purchase new specialized vehicles that are lacking in the prescribed quantity or to replace liquidated specialized vehicles, but must not exceed the quantity and must be of the correct type as prescribed in this Decision.

The purchase of specialized vehicles must comply with the procedures prescribed by law; purchases may only be made when they have been arranged in the budget approved by competent authorities and must comply with the standards and norms prescribed in this Decision.

Agencies, organizations and units that currently have a number of specialized vehicles exceeding the norm must transfer them to other agencies and units that are lacking compared to the norm, but must be in accordance with the type of specialized vehicles specified in this Decision. The transfer of specialized vehicles shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of law.

Management and use of specialized cars:

Agencies, organizations and units equipped with specialized vehicles must prepare asset declaration files, register the right to manage and use assets, and report to the Department of Finance (for provincial-level agencies, organizations and units), the District People's Committee (for district-level and commune-level agencies, organizations and units) to update the National Database on Public Assets according to regulations.

Special-purpose vehicles are liquidated when they meet one of the conditions specified in Clause 4, Article 3 of Decree No. 72/2023/ND-CP. Liquidation of special-purpose vehicles is carried out in accordance with the provisions of law.

The cost of using specialized cars is organized, accounted for and made public according to the provisions of law.

Xuyên Đông

Vụ tai nạn 2 người chết ở Hà Tĩnh: Ôtô chạy lấn làn


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5 districts in Ha Tinh are allowed up to 8 public cars

Xuyên Đông |

Ha Tinh has just issued the quota of cars for public service, in which 5 districts in Ha Tinh are given the highest quota of up to 8 public cars.