Accessories that should not be installed in cars

Thanh Vũ |

Below are the accessories that car owners should not install to ensure safety.

Steering Wheel Cover

The steering wheel cover is an accessory chosen by many people to keep the steering wheel looking new. However, this is an accessory that many automotive experts recommend not using. The reason is that in emergency situations, this accessory can make controlling the car's car less accurate. Additionally, if the steering wheel cover is not cleaned regularly, it can easily accumulate water, dirt, etc., affecting the cleanliness inside the car.

Fake Seat Belt Buckle

This is an accessory chosen by many car owners to avoid wearing a seat belt without triggering the car's warning sound.

However, in the event of a collision, not wearing a seat belt significantly increases the risk of injury or death. Therefore, experts advise car owners not to equip this accessory and to strictly adhere to safety rules when driving a car. Additionally, traffic laws also stipulate fines for not wearing a seat belt while driving a car.

Car Accessories Obstructing View

These accessories can include air fresheners, phone holders, decorations, etc. However, many people place these accessories in positions that obstruct their view. Limited visibility makes driving a car more dangerous. Currently, in some countries around the world, placing accessories within the driver's line of sight can also be considered a legal violation.

Thanh Vũ

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