Electric cars run 579km per charge but are unbelievably cheap

Hạo Thiên (Theo Ola Electric) |

Ola Electric has officially launched the Roadster electric motorbike model with a series of impressive equipment and unbelievable prices in the Indian market.

The car is distributed with Roadster, Roadster X and Roadster Pro versions. Photo: Ola Electric
The car is distributed with Roadster, Roadster X and Roadster Pro versions. Photo: Ola Electric

Roadster was launched with versions: Roadster, Roadster X and Roadster Pro. In particular, Ola Roadster The 3.5kWh version costs 84,999 Rs (about 25.3 million VND) and 99,999 Rs (about 29.8 million VND) for the 4.5kWh version.

According to information from the company, the 4.5kWh Roadster X can accelerate from 0-40km/h in just 2.8 seconds; Maximum speed reaches 124km/h and has a range of 200km. This version is equipped with LED headlights with a 4.3-inch LCD screen using the latest MoveOS 5 operating system with navigation maps, cruise control technology and driving modes.

The Ola Roadster version has battery options such as: 3.5kWh (priced at Rs 104,999, equivalent to VND 31.2 million); 4.5kWh (priced at 120,000 Rs - about 35.7 million VND); 6kWh (priced at Rs 139,999 - about VND 41.7 million). Ola Roadster is equipped with a 13kW engine, 1-channel ABS disc brakes, cornering ABS, cruise control and driving modes such as: Hyper, Sport, Normal and Eco.

Roadster X is equipped with LED headlights and a 4.3-inch LCD screen using the latest MoveOS 5 operating system. Photo: Ola Electric
The Roadster X model is equipped with LED headlights and a 4.3-inch LCD screen using the latest MoveOS 5 operating system. Photo: Ola Electric

The Ola Roadster Pro version is equipped with a 52kW engine with 105Nm of torque. The car also has two versions using 8kWh and 16kWh batteries with converted prices of about 56.7 million VND and 70.88 million VND respectively.

According to information from the company, Roadster Pro can accelerate from 0-60km/h in just 1.9 seconds and reach a maximum speed of 194km/h. In particular, the 16kWh battery version has a range of up to 579km/charge (equivalent to a Tesla Model 3 Long Range).

According to the plan, Ola Roadster X will be delivered to customers in 2025, followed by Ola Roadster. As for the Ola Roadster Pro version , it will reach users in 2026.

Hạo Thiên (Theo Ola Electric)

Sử dụng pin xe điện như thế nào để an toàn và hiệu quả?


Hiện nay, xu hướng chuyển đổi giao thông xanh đang ngày càng phát triển, tuy nhiên không phải ai cũng biết cách lựa chọn, sử dụng xe điện an toàn và hiệu quả.

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