4 successful cases of kidney stone lithotripsy using flexible endoscope

Phong Linh |

In Can Tho City, doctors have just successfully performed 4 cases of kidney stone lithotripsy using a flexible endoscope.

On September 18, Can Tho Central General Hospital announced that doctors from the Department of Nephrology and Urology of the hospital had just coordinated with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City to organize a training program "Updating minimally invasive methods in the treatment of kidney stones", and successfully performed 4 cases of kidney stone lithotripsy using a flexible endoscope.

Cac bac si dang tien hanh tan soi bang ong noi soi mem. Anh: Benh vien  Da khoa Trung uong Can Tho cung cap.
Doctors perform lithotripsy using a flexible endoscope. Photo: Provided by Can Tho Central General Hospital

All 4 patients were transferred to Can Tho Central General Hospital by the front line with kidney stones ranging in size from 14mm - 18mm. The surgical team was led by doctors from the Department of Nephrology - Urology. Doctors inserted an endoscope into the bladder, up the ureter to the renal pelvis, placed a stent into the ureter, up to the renal pelvis, inserted a flexible endoscope to find the location of the stone, used LASER to break up the stone and suck it out, during the procedure, the stone was checked to be clean with a C-arm.

Currently, the health of all 4 patients is stable, recovering well, and the abdomen is soft.

The patient's health is stable. Photo: Provided by Can Tho Central General Hospital.

Specialist Doctor 2 Truong Cong Thanh - Head of the Department of Nephrology - Urology of the hospital - informed that retrograde lithotripsy is an advanced lithotripsy method currently applied in the effective treatment of urinary tract stones, especially kidney stones.

Compared with traditional open surgery, retrograde lithotripsy is a breakthrough stone treatment technology with many advantages. Patients recover quickly, and hospital stay is only about 24 to 48 hours after lithotripsy.

Phong Linh

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