Weather today, March 20: The cold air weakens


Weather today, March 20, the North will be cold at night and in the morning with the lowest temperature of about 13 - 16 degrees Celsius. The South will have sunny days, some places will be hot.


The South is about to have hot weather, forecast peak hours


According to the meteorological agency, in the next 2 days, the Southeast will be hot and sunny, with some places above 36 degrees Celsius.

Unfavorable weather forecast for the next 2 days due to cold air


The meteorological agency said that cold air will continue to cause unfavorable weather in many sea areas of the East Sea on March 19 - 20.

Weather today, March 19: Cold in the North, hot in the South


Weather today, March 19, the North is cold, some places are very cold, severe cold due to cold air. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.

Accident between blue-plate car and tractor, 1 person died


Dak Lak - After a traffic accident between a blue-plate car and a tractor, 2 people were injured and died.

School speaks out about the 22 million VND tuition fee for National Defense Education


On March 27, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law officially announced the tuition fee for the National Defense Education section for students of course 49.

Dak Nong requests to review the Department of Construction on personnel work


Dak Nong - The Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Construction to review the collectives and individuals involved and arrange the number of department heads in short supply in accordance with the direction of the Provincial Party Committee.

Overview of the process of rescuing a kidnapped child in Bac Ninh


Bac Ninh - After more than 4 hours of fighting, using professional measures, the Bac Ninh Provincial Police force successfully rescued the child kidnapped from the stone thieves.

Officially opening Quang Da bridge connecting Quang Nam - Da Nang


The bridge connecting Quang Nam - Da Nang officially opened to traffic, shortening travel time and promoting trade between the two localities.

The South is about to have hot weather, forecast peak hours


According to the meteorological agency, in the next 2 days, the Southeast will be hot and sunny, with some places above 36 degrees Celsius.

Unfavorable weather forecast for the next 2 days due to cold air


The meteorological agency said that cold air will continue to cause unfavorable weather in many sea areas of the East Sea on March 19 - 20.

Weather today, March 19: Cold in the North, hot in the South


Weather today, March 19, the North is cold, some places are very cold, severe cold due to cold air. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.