2 districts in Hanoi suddenly stop and postpone land auctions

Thu Giang |

Hanoi - Dan Phuong and Thanh Oai districts have just announced to stop and postpone land auctions in September 2024.

On September 29, Lao Dong reporters found that the National Joint Stock Auction Company No. 5 will stop the auction of 26 land plots at the end of September in Phung town (Dan Phuong district). This was done at the request of the district People's Committee to review the auction work according to current regulations.

Customers who deposit and buy auction documents will receive their money back. The auction will be reorganized after the decision and proposal of Dan Phuong District People's Committee.

It is known that the auction of 26 plots of land in Phung town was initially approved to be held on the morning of September 30, 2024. Accordingly, 26 plots of land in Dong Say - Tram Sau area (Phung town) have an area of ​​55-99.5m2, starting price of over 14 million VND/m2. At this level, the deposit for each plot is about 154-278 million VND.

According to regulations, investors must go through 5 mandatory auction rounds, with a price step of 10 million VND/m2. Thus, the minimum price for them to win the auction at the above land is 54 million VND/m2.

Previously, in mid-August 2024, the People's Committee of Thanh Oai District (Hanoi) also announced the postponement of land auctions. These land lots were scheduled to be auctioned in August and September 2024. However, close to the auction date, the People's Committee of Thanh Oai District announced the postponement to re-determine the starting price.

The leader of Thanh Oai District People's Committee (Hanoi) said that he has sent an official dispatch to the District Land Fund Development Center and auction companies to stop the auction of 114 land plots in Dam area, Muc Xa village, Cao Duong commune in 2 sessions (57 land plots each session).

Notably, among the lots that have just been announced to stop auctioning, there are 57 lots (phase 1) expected to be put up for auction on September 8, 2024. These are lots with an area of ​​over 74-135m2, all with a starting price of 8.8 million VND/m2.

According to Thanh Oai District People's Committee, the reorganization of the auction will be announced again after reviewing the legality and conditions, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Thu Giang

Nan giải xử lý hiện tượng thổi giá trong đấu giá đất


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Hoài Phương |

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Linh Trang |

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