Speed ​​up land records processing procedures for people

Bảo Chương |

Tax authorities and land registration office branches in Ho Chi Minh City are working at full capacity to support people in processing outstanding land records.

Recently, the number of real estate files pouring into the land registration office branches in Ho Chi Minh City has increased. Especially when the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee affirmed that it will issue an adjusted land price list before October 15, 2024.

Accordingly, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Bui Xuan Cuong has just reported to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council on the progress and contents related to the work of amending and supplementing Decision No. 02/2020/QD-UBND (dated January 16, 2020) of the City People's Committee regulating the land price list. Ho Chi Minh City expects that on September 30, 2024, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment will complete the submission to resubmit to the Land Price List Appraisal Council.

Before October 10, 2024, the City Land Price Appraisal Council will hold an appraisal meeting. Before October 15, 2024, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee will issue a decision to amend and supplement Decision No. 02/2020/QD-UBND on the adjusted land price list.

After the above information, along with the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee's directive to remove obstacles, last week the number of tax records returned to land registration offices increased sharply along with the number of tax records that were previously stuck. Some branches of land registration offices worked all day on Saturday to promptly resolve the issues for the people.

For example, on Saturday (September 28), the Director of the Thu Duc City Land Registration Office requested staff to increase their work to promptly resolve the backlog of people and units from August 1, 2024 to September 21, 2024, focusing on quickly and promptly resolving backlogs due to failure to fulfill financial obligations.

Luong ho so dat dai tai Van phong dang ky dat dai TP Thu Duc tang manh. Anh: Bao Chuong
The number of land records at the Land Registration Office of Thu Duc City has increased sharply. Photo: Bao Chuong

According to statistics from the Thu Duc City Land Registration Office, since the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee issued an official dispatch to remove obstacles (September 23), each day this branch has processed nearly 1,500 real estate records related to tax liability calculation. On September 26, the Thu Duc branch transferred nearly 500 records to the tax office; received records from the tax office and returned about 400 records to taxpayers; received 230 tax receipts from taxpayers and nearly 300 new records. The number of new records received last week increased by 70% compared to the previous week.

The representative of the Thu Duc City Land Registration Office said that yesterday - Saturday (September 28), the office received the documents and worked until the evening. Next week, if necessary, they will continue to work on Saturday. However, this leader said that around Monday or Tuesday next week, about 2,000 backlogged tax documents will be resolved, after which the processing of documents will most likely return to normal.

The Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department also said that it is speeding up the processing of land tax records for people. According to updated information from the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department, the number of real estate records has now exceeded 15,000, including the number of new records received since the beginning of the week.

According to previous statistics from August 1 to August 27, the tax authority received a total of 8,808 dossiers. The number of newly submitted land tax dossiers increased rapidly. Every day, several hundred new dossiers were generated. However, the tax authority has accelerated the processing as much as possible. Up to now, there are only about 9,000 dossiers left, including both new and old land tax dossiers.

The Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department has issued urgent instructions, requiring the heads of tax branches to prioritize and focus resources to resolve land records received from August 1st as soon as possible, working on Saturdays and Sundays as well... At the same time, tax branches must report daily processing progress to the land management department so that this department can synthesize and report to the leaders of the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department. Notably, the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department requires the heads of tax branches in the area to be responsible for organizing the processing of land records, not allowing trouble, harassment, and negativity to arise.

Bảo Chương

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