Cases that must be changed to a new red book sample
According to Clause 1, Article 38 of Decree 101/2024/ND-CP, the following 9 cases must be changed to a new red book form from January 1, 2025:
+ The land user needs to change the red book before August 1, 2024 to a new model.
+ The issued book is stained, smudged, torn, and damaged.
+ The red book is a book that is granted to many land plots but the land user has a new red book needs for each parcel.
+ The purpose of land use is recorded on the red book issued at the time of issuing different from the purpose of land use under the new law.
+ The location of the land parcel on the red book has been issued inaccurate compared to the actual location of land use at the time of issuing the book.
+ The land is the common property of the couple that the book has issued only the name of the husband and wife, now there is a request to change the red book to name both husband and wife.
+ The red book has granted the name of the household, now the members have the same land use rights that require the exchange of fully recording the name of the common member of the land use right.
+ Change the address of the land parcel has been granted a certificate.
+ Change the size of the edges, areas and numbers of the land parcel due to the cadastral map measurement, the cadastral measurement of the land parcel and the boundary of the land parcel does not change.
The dossier of changing the old red book to the new red book
When making a red book to change the new sample, the land user prepares the following documents:
+ Land change application.
+ The red book issued before January 1, 2025 (original).
+ In case the household red book wants to change the red book to fully name the members, the application application must fully show the information of members with the same land use rights.
+ In case of changing the land parcel area, people prepare additional cadastral map.
The order to change the red book to a new sample
The land user submits the application for a new red book to change the red book at the following agencies:
+ The one -stop part of the provincial People's Committee (People's Committee) on the receipt of dossiers and return the results of the administrative procedures of the provincial, district and commune levels.
+ Land registration office.
+ Branch of Land Registration Office.
After the application is received valid, the receiving agency will return the results to the people (no more than 5 working days).
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