Overview of more than 64,000 m2 of abandoned land in Ho Chi Minh City to be auctioned

Tâm Tú |

HCMC - HCMC will auction a series of abandoned land plots in Districts 3, 6, 11, Binh Chanh District, Thu Duc City with a total area of over 64,000 m2.

The Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has just issued a plan to auction land use rights in 2025. Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City will auction 7 real estate areas in Districts 3, 6, 11, Binh Chanh District, Thu Duc City with a total area of over 64,000 m2. The auction is expected to be held in the third quarter of 2025.

The largest plot of land is nearly 30,000 m2 at 621 Pham Van Chi, Ward 7, District 6. Previously, this place was the headquarters of a wine and alcohol company.

Ghi nhan cua Lao Dong ngay 23.3, hien khu dat nay chi con lai mot bai dat hoang voi cay coi um tum. Anh: Anh Tu
According to Lao Dong on March 23, this place now has only one abandoned plot of land with overgrown trees. Photo: Anh Tu
Theo quy hoach, khu dat nay se duoc xay dung thanh mot khu phuc hop cao oc, bao gom nha o, van phong, trung tam thuong mai va khach san. Anh: Anh Tu
According to the plan, this land will be built into a high-rise complex, including houses, offices, commercial centers and hotels. Photo: Anh Tu

In Thu Duc City, a plot of land of more than 15,000 square meters, once the headquarters of a restaurant, is in a similar situation. Most of this land is planned to build new houses, a small part for schools and traffic. However, currently, this land has become a place for scrap and spontaneous parking.

Toan canh khu dat rong hon 15.000 m2, tung la tru so cua mot nha hang, cung dang trong tinh trang bo hoang. Anh: Anh Tu
Panorama of the land of more than 15,000 m2, once the headquarters of a restaurant, is also in a state of abandonment. Photo: Anh Tu
Hien tai khu dat nay tro thanh noi tap ket phe lieu va bai do xe tu phat. Ghi nhan cua phong vien ben trong khu dat cay co moc um tum. Anh: Anh Tu
Currently, this land has become a place for scrap and spontaneous parking. Reporter's records inside the land are overgrown with grass. Photo: Anh Tu

In Binh Chanh district, the land of the old Binh Chanh Hospital, over 14,000 m2, has also been abandoned since 2018. The works in the land have seriously degraded, the corrugated iron roofs are rotten, and the trees are overgrown with grass.

Toan canh khu dat rong hon 14.000 m2 o Binh Chanh, cung bi bo hoang tu nam 2018. Anh: Anh Tu
Panorama of the land plot of more than 14,000 m2 in Binh Chanh, which has also been abandoned since 2018. Photo: Anh Tu
Cac day nha xuong cap tram trong, mai ton muc nat. Anh: Anh Tu
The rows of houses are seriously degraded, the corrugated iron roofs are dilapidated. Photo: Anh Tu

The northern land in residential area 13E - functional area 13, new urban area of Nam Thanh city, Phong Phu commune, Binh Chanh district has an area of 1,802 m2, with a planning of a commercial, service - office business area. The land near the frontage of Nguyen Van Linh Street is currently vacant.

Lo dat nam trong khu dan cu voi can ho, nha pho da co nhieu nguoi sinh song. Hien phan dat dau gia duoc nguoi dan tan dung de trong chuoi, rau cu. Anh: Anh Tu
The land plot is located in a residential area with apartments and townhouses where many people live. Currently, the auctioned land is used by people to grow bananas and vegetables. Photo: Anh Tu

Next to it is the southern land in residential area 13E - functional area 13, new urban area of Nam Thanh city, Phong Phu commune, Binh Chanh district with an area of 2,464 m2, planned as a commercial - office business center. The land is located in a residential area, so people can take advantage of it to grow vegetables.

Nha dat so 402/3 Hong Bang (Phuong 16, Quan 11) co dien tich 377,2 m2 cung dang bi bo hoang. Anh: Anh Tu
The house and land at 402/3 Hong Bang (Ward 16, District 11) with an area of 377.2 m2 is also abandoned. Photo: Anh Tu

The house and land at 402/3 Hong Bang (Ward 16, District 11) has an area of 377.2 m2, the existing residential land planning is renovated. This lot is located inside the alley, once the representative office of a packaging and export trading company.

In addition, the smallest area is real estate at 453/82 Le Van Sy (Ward 12, District 3) with an area of 66.2 m2, urban residential land planning.

The Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee assigned the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Land Fund Development Center to implement the auction organization plan according to regulations; promptly report the progress, implementation results and difficulties and problems that need to be resolved for Ho Chi Minh City to consider and direct.

Tâm Tú

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Abandoned land due to suspended projects, when will it be resolved?


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Loạt công viên khủng ở TPHCM được cải tạo từ những khu đất bỏ hoang

Anh Tú |

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Dù không có nhiều giao dịch, thanh khoản bị đứt gãy và nhiều lô đất bỏ hoang được rao bán cắt lỗ nhưng giá đưa ra vẫn không giảm, thậm chí đang neo ở mức cao.

Hàng trăm ha đất bỏ hoang vì khô hạn


Hà Tĩnh - Nhiều nông dân ở huyện Cẩm Xuyên xót xa, tiếc đất ruộng bỏ hoang đến hàng trăm ha vì không có nước tưới vào vụ hè - thu.