Vietnamese football and the role of female coaches


Former players Van Thi Thanh, Doan Thi Kim Chi... continue to affirm their roles as coaches in Vietnamese women's football teams.

The mark of female coaches

In Vietnam, the number of former female football players who have gone on to become coaches is not much. One person who has succeeded from being a player to becoming a coach is Doan Thi Kim Chi.

During her peak playing career, the former midfielder born in 1979 won 4 SEA Games gold medals, 4 national championships, 4 times won the Vietnam Women's Golden Ball award, a Southeast Asian championship and many other titles.

When switching to coaching, captain Kim Chi won the Vietnamese women's football championship 9 times with Ho Chi Minh City club (2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024).

A player who played with Doan Thi Kim Chi on the national women's football team is Van Thi Thanh. After retiring in 2011, she switched to coaching and is currently the only female coach in Vietnamese football with an AFC Pro certificate - the highest certificate of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), qualified to lead the national team.

Coach Van Thi Thanh is leading the Thai Nguyen T&T women's football team. The former striker from Ha Nam has just won the first championship with this team at the 2024 T&T Group Cup international women's football tournament.

Doan Thi Kim Chi (giua) nguoi dau tien va duy nhat cho toi thoi diem nay vo dich quoc gia ca tren cuong vi cau thu lan huan luyen vien truong. Anh: VFF
Coach Doan Thi Kim Chi (middle). Photo: VFF

Besides the two prominent faces above, Vietnamese women's football also has a number of former players pursuing coaching careers, including former center back Dao Thi Mien, currently leading the Hanoi women's team; former goalkeeper Dang Thi Kieu Trinh - assistant coach of Thai Nguyen T&T team; former goalkeeper Nguyen Thi Kim Hong - assistant goalkeeper coach of the Vietnamese women's football team, one of the effective assistants to coach Mai Duc Chung.

Highlighting the role of female coaches

When accepting to lead the Thai Nguyen T&T women's team, coach Van Thi Thanh expressed her opinion that she wanted to highlight the role of female coaches in Vietnam.

The former player expressed: "The role of female coaches in Vietnam is not really prominent, but in recent years it has been better. Clubs still often use male coaches. I think it is necessary to promote the role of women in coaching. Not only coaching, but also as course lecturers.

When I was studying for my coaching degree, I was mostly with male coaches, but off the pitch, I thought there was no difference between men and women. I thought that maybe I would manage a men's team in the future, while my male colleagues would manage women's teams. Although there are differences between genders, the mindset and ability are the same.

What male coaches can do, women can do too. Sometimes women have certain advantages. There are quite a few men's teams in the world that have female head coaches. That combination also aims at the common goal of achievement."

Cuu cau thu Van Thi Thanh muon lam noi bat vai tro cua huan luyen vien nu sau khi nhan loi dan dat cau lac bo Thai Nguyen T&T. Anh: Ban to chuc
Coach Thi Thanh on the debut day of Thai Nguyen T&T women's football team. Photo: Viet Anh

The former player from Ha Nam confirmed that she is striving towards those things, and hopes that if players wish to become coaches after retiring, they will always receive favorable conditions and training support from the club's leadership while they are still playing.

To realize the role of female coaches in Vietnam, the challenge for coach Van Thi Thanh or other female colleagues will certainly not be small.

So, perhaps, the first thing that needs to be done for the "female generals" on the field is to have a title with the team and assert themselves. Coach Van Thi Thanh affirmed: "We must go hand in hand with youth training and attracting good coaches, supporting the players to develop in the future. Only with good coaches and good players can the team become professional."


Cựu tuyển thủ Văn Thị Thanh: Bóng đá là màu hồng, nhưng tình yêu của tôi thì không

chi trần (thực hiện) |

Cựu tuyển thủ Văn Thị Thanh từng khoác áo đội tuyển từ khi mới 17 tuổi, chị gặt hái được rất nhiều thành công với đỉnh cao là danh hiệu Quả bóng Vàng 2003.

Đạo diễn Nguyễn Thị Thắm: “Bộ phim về bóng đá nữ được kể một cách... dịu dàng”

Nguyên Lê (thực hiện) |

“Hậu vệ Chương Thị Kiều chia sẻ với ê-kíp làm phim: “Ở ngoài em dễ thương lắm, nhưng trong sân em như... con hổ vậy!”. Nhưng bộ phim về “những con hổ” ấy sẽ được chúng tôi kể một cách dịu dàng nhất có thể” - đạo diễn Nguyễn Thị Thắm nói về bộ phim đặc biệt do chị viết kịch bản và đạo diễn - “Bóng đá nữ Việt Nam - Chuyện lần đầu kể”, dự kiến ra rạp từ ngày 18.10, ngay trước thềm Ngày Phụ nữ Việt Nam 20.10.

78 phút với những thước phim về bóng đá nữ Việt Nam


Bộ phim tài liệu "Bóng đá nữ Việt Nam, chuyện lần đầu kể" dài 78 phút mang đến cho khán giả những thước phim xúc động về hành trình của bóng đá nữ Việt Nam.

Giám đốc Sở ở Hà Nam lý giải về 130 lần trễ hạn xử lý hồ sơ

Thu Giang |

Ông Bùi Đức Thái - Giám đốc Sở Tư pháp Hà Nam cho rằng, việc trễ hạn 130 lần xử lý hồ sơ là do lỗi trùng lặp trên hệ thống.

Bao giờ thực hiện dự án điện hạt nhân tại Việt Nam

Cường Ngô |

Theo Thứ trưởng Nguyễn Sinh Nhật Tân, việc khôi phục đầu tư, phát triển điện hạt nhân nhằm đảm bảo an ninh năng lượng, và phải tuyệt đối an toàn.

Vẫn tiếp diễn tình trạng cá chết bốc mùi nồng nặc ở Hồ Tây


Hà Nội - Tình trạng cá chết bốc mùi hôi thối ở Hồ Tây vẫn tiếp diễn, ảnh hưởng đến mỹ quan đô thị tại một trong những điểm du lịch lý tưởng của Thủ đô.

Bộ VHTTDL nói gì về phán quyết của tòa án vụ Hồ Hoài Anh, Hồng Đăng?


Bộ Văn hóa Thể thao và Du lịch (VHTTDL) chưa nhận được thông tin chính thức liên quan đến phán quyết của tòa án vụ nghệ sĩ Hồng Đăng và Hồ Hoài Anh ở Tây Ban Nha.

Lộn xộn giao thông tại Hạ Long do sự cố đèn tín hiệu

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Tại TP Hạ Long, nhiều hệ thống đèn tín hiệu giao thông không hoạt động, gây hỗn loạn tại các nút giao thông quan trọng, tiềm ẩn tai nạn giao thông.

Former player Van Thi Thanh: Football is rosy, but my love is not

chi trần (thực hiện) |

Former player Van Thi Thanh played for the national team since she was 17 years old. She achieved many successes, the peak of which was the Golden Ball award in 2003.

Director Nguyen Thi Tham: "The film about women's football is told in a... gentle way"

Nguyên Lê (thực hiện) |

“Defender Chuong Thi Kieu shared with the film crew: “Outside, I am very cute, but on the field, I am like... a tiger!”. But the film about those “tigers” will be told by us in the gentlest way possible” - director Nguyen Thi Tham said about the special film she wrote and directed - “Vietnam Women's Football - The First Story”, scheduled to be released in theaters from October 18, right before Vietnamese Women's Day October 20.

78 minutes of footage of Vietnamese women's football


The 78-minute documentary "Vietnam Women's Football, the First Time Told" brings to the audience emotional footage about the journey of Vietnam women's football.