4 types of drinks that help reduce bloating and flatulence effectively

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

Natural, safe drinks will help reduce bloating and flatulence effectively.

Bloating is a digestive problem that many people often encounter due to irregular eating, eating too quickly, eating too much or consuming fatty foods. This condition not only causes discomfort but also affects daily activities and productivity.

However, some natural drinks can help support the digestive process, reduce symptoms of bloating, flatulence and bring a more pleasant, comfortable feeling.

The following 4 drinks can be referenced and applied, according to the instructions of the health website Healthline.

Ginger tea

Ginger is known as a herb that aids digestion and reduces symptoms of bloating and indigestion quite well. Ginger tea is one of the simple and effective solutions, often used after meals with lots of greasy dishes or when feeling full.

Ginger contains phenolic compounds that help reduce symptoms of stomach irritation, help relax smooth muscles in the intestines, and promote stomach emptying. Drinking warm ginger tea after meals not only helps with digestion but also helps the body feel comfortable and relaxed.

Fennel Seed Tea

Fennel seeds are widely used in folk medicine for their effective digestive support. Fennel seed tea has the ability to reduce bloating and excess gas in the stomach, helping the digestive process go more smoothly.

The anethole compound in fennel seeds stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, helping to break down food quickly.

In addition, fennel seed tea also has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce the feeling of discomfort caused by bloating, while also reducing feelings of nausea.

These effects make fennel seed tea an ideal choice for people who regularly suffer from digestive problems.


Lemon is a fruit that is high in vitamin C and rich in antioxidants, and also aids in digestion, helping to reduce bloating symptoms. Lemon juice is mildly acidic, which helps stimulate the stomach to produce more gastric juice, thereby improving the process of breaking down food.

Lemon juice also helps neutralize excess gas in the stomach, reducing the feeling of bloating, especially after meals with a lot of calories.

Drinking warm lemon water in the morning or after meals will help kick-start your digestive system, preventing bloating and indigestion.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple is not only a delicious fruit but also contains bromelain - an enzyme that can break down protein and effectively support food digestion.

Pineapple juice helps the stomach work more gently, while reducing symptoms of bloating and flatulence after each meal.

Bromelain in pineapple also has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to soothe uncomfortable stomach symptoms, especially when eating a lot of protein-rich foods such as red meat.

In addition, pineapple juice is also a source of vitamin C and fiber, helping to maintain a healthier digestive system.

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline)

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đinh đinh (THEO EATINGWELL) |

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3 drinks rich in electrolytes

đinh đinh (THEO EATINGWELL) |

Below are 3 electrolyte -rich drinks available at home that you can drink to hydrate your body.

The drink helps remove toxic metals from the body


While coriander detoxifies metals , chlorella (green algae) absorbs them. This process will make the combination of the two foods ideal for detoxifying the body .

5 thức uống buổi sáng giúp giảm cân


Hãy thử 5 loại đồ uống buổi sáng này để đánh thức các giác quan và giúp cho quá trình giảm cân của bạn diễn ra hiệu quả.