The Department of H08 conducts training on professional procedures for union officials

Minh Hương |

On August 9, Trade Union of the Bureau of National Security Industry (H08, Ministry of Public Security) opened a training course on skills and professional work of trade union activities in 2024.

Speaking at the training session, Major General Tran Van Doanh - Deputy Director of the Department of National Security Industry stated that the training session aimed to timely implement legal documents and regulations of the trade union organization at all levels for the trade union staff, thereby providing and improving the capacity, professional skills, and expertise of trade union staff at grassroots trade unions.

Major Tran Xuan Lam - Head of the Trade Union Department of the H08 Agency,
Major Tran Xuan Lam - Head of the Trade Union Department of the H08 Agency stated that the training session was held over 3 days with 6 specialized topics. Photo: M.Huong.

Updating some necessary contents for trade union activities in the current period such as: Resolution No. 02-NQ/BCT of the Politburo on the renovation of the organization and activities of the Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation; the impact of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution on workers and the Vietnam Trade Union; some soft skills for trade union staff at the grassroots level.

Through the training session, it will help the trade union staff at the grassroots level grasp the regulations of the law to apply in practice at the grassroots level, bringing about effective operation, gradually improving the quality of trade union activities, contributing to building a more robust grassroots trade union organization.

Scene of the training session. Photo: M.Huong.
Scene of the training session. Photo: M.Huong.

The training session was organized over 3 days, including 6 specialized topics:

The role of grassroots trade unions and the role and responsibility of the Chairman of the grassroots trade union in coordinating the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulations.

Mission, powers, and activities of the People's Supervisory Committee under the Law on Implementing Democracy at the Grassroots Level in 2022. The role of the trade union in the activities of the People's Supervisory Committee at the enterprise.

The impact of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution on workers and the Vietnam Trade Union.

Some soft skills for trade union staff at the grassroots level.

Content of trade union propaganda work in the period 2023-2028. Skills of propaganda for trade union staff at the grassroots level.

Skills for trade union staff at the grassroots level in organizing coordination to build, negotiate, and sign collective labor agreements at enterprises.

Minh Hương

Khai mạc Hội thao Công đoàn Công an Nhân dân

Nam Dương |

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Khánh Linh |

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