Hai Phong suffered nearly 11,000 billion VND in damage due to storm No. 3

Mai Chi |

According to estimates, the total damage caused by storm No. 3 to Hai Phong city is nearly 11,000 billion VND.

On the morning of September 15, according to the Command Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention - Search and Rescue and Civil Defense of Hai Phong City, as of September 14, storm No. 3 has killed 2 people and injured 65 others.

Regarding property damage, the whole city had 102,873 houses damaged; 94 defense and security works, 575 schools damaged; 467 medical facilities affected; 895 cultural works, historical and cultural relics damaged.

25,561 hectares of rice fields, 3,305 hectares of flower and vegetable fields, and 3,303 hectares of forest areas were damaged; 82,006 urban trees were broken; 4,655 hectares of aquaculture areas were affected; 3,215 electric poles were broken; 70 transformer stations were damaged; 30,554 factories, enterprises, and industrial works were damaged; 1,268 agency headquarters were damaged; 213 markets and shopping centers were damaged...

Total damage up to now is estimated at 10,829,585.88 million VND.

Mot cong trinh nha an cua truong hoc o Hai Phong bi hu hong do bao. Anh: So GDDT Hai Phong
A school cafeteria in Hai Phong was damaged by the storm. Photo: Hai Phong Department of Education and Training

The damage caused by storm No. 3 in the city is very large, and some units and localities have not yet fully restored their communication systems, so it is not possible to fully assess and count.

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Hai Phong City Party Committee on the afternoon of September 14, Secretary of the City Party Committee Le Tien Chau highly appreciated the participation of the entire political system and armed forces; and was especially happy to receive the consensus, support and non-subjectivity of the people in the work of preventing and fighting against storm No.

The Secretary of the Hai Phong City Party Committee assigned the Party Committee of the City People's Committee to direct the mobilization of all resources, cut down and postpone tasks that are not really urgent to focus on overcoming the consequences after storm No. 3; urgently allocate funds for administrative agencies, hospitals and schools to repair and overcome the consequences; have solutions to support farmers who suffered losses in production and agriculture after the storm; in the immediate future, study the entrustment of public investment capital from the city budget to the social policy bank to lend to businesses and households to restore production, focusing on areas such as agricultural production and aquaculture; consider debt suspension, debt extension and debt cancellation for borrowers who suffered losses after storm No. 3.

Request the Department of Industry and Trade and the Department of Construction to step up inspection and handling activities to prevent price increases of construction materials; ensure price stability and food supply for the city's residents. The State Bank - Hai Phong branch directs local commercial bank branches to promptly apply support measures and remove difficulties for customers affected by the storm. Research preferential mechanisms on taxes, electricity and water bills; policies on salary and social insurance payments for workers affected by losses at businesses that had to stop operating after the storm; direct insurance companies to speed up the appraisal and insurance compensation process for businesses affected by the storm...

Don dep duong pho sau bao. Anh: Mai Chi
Cleaning up the streets after the storm. Photo: Mai Chi

The Secretary of the City Party Committee requested to continue mobilizing forces to clean and sanitize streets and residential areas. The health sector organized disinfection spraying, ensuring environmental sanitation to prevent the outbreak of epidemics after the storm. Continue to urgently repair damage to fallen trees, electricity, telecommunications and traffic infrastructure. The entire political system focused on ensuring the safety and peace of mind of people when moving out of type D apartments.

Secretary of the City Party Committee Le Tien Chau requested the Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to proactively grasp the situation, promptly advise on solutions, and not let workers lose their jobs due to the impact of storm No. 3; all levels and sectors, especially the Trade Union, must promptly deploy activities to care for the material and spiritual lives of workers affected by storm No. 3.

The Secretary of the Hai Phong City Party Committee called on businesses and all people of the city to continue promoting the tradition of solidarity, bravery, and the spirit of “mutual love and support”, joining hands, sharing, supporting, and encouraging each other to overcome the damage caused by storm No. 3 in order to quickly bring the city back to normal life.

Mai Chi

Vì sao Hải Phòng di dân khẩn cấp tòa chung cư nửa thế kỉ?

Hoàng Khôi |

TP Hải Phòng vừa bố trí nơi tạm cư cho gần 100 hộ dân 2 tòa chung cư ở phường Vạn Mỹ, quận Ngô Quyền bị ảnh hưởng do bão số 3.

Bộ Chính trị cho ý kiến về xây dựng, phát triển TP Hải Phòng

Vương Trần |

Bộ Chính trị đã họp và cho ý kiến sơ kết 5 năm thực hiện Nghị quyết 45-NQ/TW về xây dựng và phát triển thành phố Hải Phòng.

Hải Phòng phát công điện hỏa tốc ứng phó mưa lũ

Hoàng Khôi |

Trưa 11.9, UBND TP Hải Phòng phát công điện hỏa tốc về tập trung triển khai ứng phó mưa, lũ.

Xuất hiện clip đánh, đá trẻ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc

Phan Thành |

Bình Thuận - Từ hình ảnh bảo mẫu đánh bầm tím trẻ nhỏ và đoạn camera cảnh đánh, đá trẻ nhỏ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc làm rõ.

Sạt lở rình rập, nhiều người Yên Bái chưa thể về nhà

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

Do ảnh hưởng của hoàn lưu của cơn bão số 3, trên địa bàn thành phố Yên Bái xuất hiện hàng trăm điểm sạt lở, đe dọa tính mạng và tài sản của người dân.

Áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh thành bão, gây mưa to khu vực nào?


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng đã cảnh báo tác động trên biển và trên đất liền của áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh thành bão.

Hàng chục nhà dân ở Hà Nội nứt toác nghi do khai thác cát

Đền Phú - Trần Tuấn |

Hàng chục ngôi nhà ở xóm Bãi, thôn Vân Hội, xã Phong Vân (Ba Vì, Hà Nội) bị nứt toác nghi do ảnh hưởng bởi hoạt động khai thác cát giáp ranh tỉnh Phú Thọ.

Tạm ngừng thanh tra, kiểm toán tại các địa phương


Thanh tra Chính phủ, các bộ ngành tạm ngừng hoạt động thanh tra, kiểm tra tại các địa phương để các địa phương tập trung khắc phục hậu quả bão lũ.

Why did Hai Phong urgently evacuate a half-century-old apartment building?

Hoàng Khôi |

Hai Phong City has just arranged temporary shelter for nearly 100 households in two apartment buildings in Van My ward, Ngo Quyen district affected by storm No. 3.

The Politburo gives opinions on the construction and development of Hai Phong City

Vương Trần |

The Politburo met and gave opinions on the 5-year review of the implementation of Resolution 45-NQ/TW on the construction and development of Hai Phong city.

Hai Phong issues urgent telegram to respond to floods

Hoàng Khôi |

At noon on September 11, Hai Phong City People's Committee issued an urgent telegram to focus on responding to rain and floods.