98% of banking union members are educated about the law

Hà Anh |

Vietnam Banking Trade Union currently manages 190,927 union members, of which 111,391 are female union members.

Ms. Nguyen Khanh Chi - Permanent Vice President of Vietnam Banking Trade Union said that the total number of grassroots trade unions in the Vietnam Banking Trade Union system is 1,020 units. The total number of full-time trade union officials in the Vietnam Banking Trade Union system is 189 people.

After more than 30 years of construction and development, Vietnam Banking Trade Union has gradually affirmed its position and role in the overall development of the banking industry.

During its operation, the Vietnam Bank Trade Union has always received close guidance from the Party Executive Committee, the Board of Directors of The State Bank of Vietnam; the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has constantly innovated the content and methods of operation, perfected the organizational structure, built a team of trade union officials, met the requirements and political tasks, built an increasingly strong trade union organization, worthy of being a representative organization to protect the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members and workers in the banking industry...

According to the records of trade unions at all levels, union members and workers in the banking industry always have absolute trust in the leadership of the Party and the State... The staff of the banking industry's trade union constantly study to improve their qualifications, be proactive, creative, and innovative in labor and production, actively participate in the industry's emulation movements, and meet the requirements and assigned tasks in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country.

Ms. Nguyen Khanh Chi said that in recent years, closely following the political and professional tasks of the banking industry, the trade unions in the Vietnam Banking Trade Union system have done a good job of political and ideological education and propaganda to union members and workers to effectively implement the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws. In particular, the trade unions have promoted the implementation of the Labor Code; Trade Union Law; Road Traffic Safety Law; Law on Prevention of Harmful Effects of Beer and Alcohol, etc.

Along with that, union officials and union members always actively respond to the campaign "Union members and employees of the banking industry say no to negativity" to propagate and mobilize union members and employees to implement well, thereby improving awareness, political capacity, capacity, qualifications and professional skills for bank officials in the new period, contributing to the development of the banking industry and the socio-economic development of the country...

Propaganda work is always innovated in content and methods of operation with many diverse and rich forms through directive documents, propaganda through the agency's internal website, fanpage unit, organizing propaganda conferences, small group communication, integrating into online competitions, professional and technical competitions... with such methods, propaganda is very effective and of high quality.

According to annual statistics, about 98% of union members and workers in the industry have been informed about directives, resolutions, guidance documents, and legal regulations of the State and the industry. The Union organizes more than 1,200 large and small competitions to learn about the Party, Uncle Ho, the State, laws, and the Union...

Hà Anh

Công đoàn kịp thời chăm lo cho đoàn viên, người lao động

Hà Anh |

Trong quý III/2024, các cấp công đoàn tỉnh Hưng Yên đã đẩy mạnh công tác chăm lo cho đoàn viên, người lao động.

Công đoàn Ngân hàng Việt Nam tổ chức Hội thi “Ngân hàng xanh cho cuộc sống xanh”

Hà Anh |

Công đoàn Ngân hàng Việt Nam (CĐNHVN) vừa tổ chức họp Ban Chỉ đạo, Ban Tổ chức và các Tiểu ban Hội thi “Ngân hàng xanh cho cuộc sống xanh” (Hội thi).

Ấm áp Bữa cơm Công đoàn Ngân hàng Nhà nước Cần Thơ


Ngày 15.8, Công đoàn Ngân hàng Nhà nước Chi nhánh TP Cần Thơ tổ chức chương trình “Bữa cơm Công đoàn” cho toàn thể đoàn viên, người lao động tại Chi nhánh.

Dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh sắp bao trùm miền Bắc


Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia đã dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh trong 24 giờ đến 48 giờ tới.

Chưa rõ nguyên nhân hơn 40 người ở chung cư nghi ngộ độc


Nghệ An – Cơ quan chức năng đang tiếp tục xác minh nguyên nhân vụ hơn 40 người ở chung cư Golden City 3 (Nghi Phú, TP Vinh) có biểu hiện ngộ độc.

Thanh niên tử vong khi livestream cảnh báo sạt lở QL2

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn qua xã Việt Vinh (huyện Bắc Quang) đã vùi lấp nhiều người và phương tiện.

Quy định là khung, việc ký phối hợp sẽ dựa trên thực tế

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hà Nội – Ngày 30.9, tại kỳ họp thứ 7, khóa XIII Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN dưới sự chủ trì của Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN Nguyễn Đình Khang, các đại biểu đã cho ý kiến vào Tờ trình dự thảo Quy định về mối quan hệ phối hợp công tác giữa Công đoàn ngành Trung ương và tương đương với các LĐLĐ tỉnh, thành phố.

1 tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Một tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả bị phát hiện và xử phạt.

Union promptly cares for union members and workers

Hà Anh |

In the third quarter of 2024, the trade unions at all levels of Hung Yen province have stepped up the work of caring for union members and workers.

Vietnam Banking Union organizes the contest "Green bank for green life"

Hà Anh |

Vietnam Banking Trade Union (VBTU) has just held a meeting of the Steering Committee, Organizing Committee and Sub-committees of the "Green Bank for Green Life" Contest (Contest).

Warm Meal at Can Tho State Bank Trade Union


On August 15, the State Bank Trade Union Can Tho City Branch organized the program " Trade Union Meal " for all union members and workers at the Branch.