Electronic devices are an important part of daily life. However, when the humid season comes, these equipment are easily damaged and broken. Therefore, proper preservation, especially in humid weather, will require special attention.
Control the appropriate indoor temperature
Controlling indoor temperature and humidity not only helps store electronic devices but also makes your home drier. To store electronics well, the room temperature needs to be maintained at no more than 35 degrees Celsius and the humidity does not exceed 50-60%.
Place the device in a dry place
When the humidity is too high, the floor (especially the brick floor) or wall will experience prolonged water stagnation. Therefore, avoid placing electronic devices directly or close to these locations.
However, during the humid season, it is difficult to find a truly dry place in the house, so people can keep the equipment at a distance of 10-15cm (compared to the wall) and about 80cm (compared to the floor) to reduce the risk of damage.
Regularly clean and sanitize
The high humidity of the mud season can easily accumulate bacteria and dirt on the surface of electronic devices. This can reduce the performance of the device. Therefore, cleaning and cleaning electronic devices regularly during the bad weather is very necessary. If possible, remove the components for careful cleaning. Using a dryer in light and dry Hong mode is also a method that cannot be ignored.
In addition, accompanying accessories such as cables, sockets, chargers, etc. also need to be cleaned regularly to ensure safety when used during the mud season.
For locations prone to lightning such as screws, socket tips, and metal joints, you can use an alcohol-absorbed towel to clean.
Use the device regularly
Experts recommend that people should turn on devices such as TVs, computers, microwaves, etc. at least once a day so that they generate heat, not get moist, and at the same time reduce negative impacts from the environment that lead to oxidation, yellowing of components or the entire device.
Using a moisture-proof cabinet
For light electronic devices such as handheld computers, cameras, lenses (glass drinking), you can invest in, use a humid-proof cabinet/box, a humid-proof box or put the device in a sealed container with a humidifier for storage.
However, it is also recommended not to store in an environment that is too dry, causing some equipment parts to not be able to operate smoothly. Good humidity is between 35-50%.