Received the Certificate of Creative Labor twice with billion-dollar initiatives

Mai Dung |

With the initiative to save raw materials and labor for production, bringing economic efficiency of more than 2 billion VND/year, Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - Deputy Production Department of Nichias Hai Phong Co., Ltd. was honored to receive the Creative Labor Certificate. of the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam.

"Golden" ideas from actual production

Nichias Hai Phong Co., Ltd. is a unit specializing in manufacturing environmental improvement and mounting products, including gaskets, air filters, medical tubing, pump membranes and PTFE plastic accessories. Because the PTFE ROD department is a new department, the machines produced at the department's factory are completely new machines and technologies. The functional structure of the machinery and equipment and production conditions have not yet been established. optimal.

Mr. Hung shared: During the product inspection stage, we found that the product diameter was quite large, excess compared to the set standards. If the diameter is reduced by replacing a smaller mold, the cost is high. From this reality, instead of making a new mold, Mr. Hung and his colleagues applied standards that allow reducing pressing pressure to reduce diameter. When reducing diameter and increasing product length, Mr. Hung continues to research to reduce the amount of powder loaded into the workpiece while still ensuring length and saving costs.

As for the pressing stage, the aluminum cable washer product after pressing has many black spots (black impurities account for 40% of the product surface), which takes time and effort to clean the surface. To overcome this situation, Mr. Hung and his team of engineers have researched alternative materials.

“After the analysis process, the two plastic materials PTFE and MC nylon do not create black impurities on the product surface, but the hardness of PTFE plastic is low so the durability is not high. Meanwhile, MC Nylong plastic has low friction and high hardness, which can completely replace the original aluminum material without generating impurities. Therefore, we decided to choose MC nylon plastic material to replace" - Mr. Hung analyzed.

Promote innovation initiatives at the unit

After being applied, Mr. Hung's initiative helps save powder raw materials for production; Saves time checking products, helps reduce labor costs and surface cleaning supplies. With the above results, Nichias Group and the Board of Directors of Nichias Hai Phong Company agreed to apply it in actual production. The benefit value of the initiative is up to more than 2 billion VND/year.
As Deputy of the Production Department, Mr. Hung motivates and encourages members of the department to contribute innovative solutions. Last year, with the number of improvements in the department he led in the company, many initiatives were applied into practice, bringing high economic value to the business.

During his 6 years working at Nichias Hai Phong Co., Ltd., Mr. Hung himself also contributed dozens of ideas and solutions, large and small. Previously, in 2023, with the initiative "Improving mold working conditions to reduce the rate of damaged goods in the PTFE ROD department" bringing a profit value of up to 15.2 billion VND/year, Mr. Hung received the Diploma. Creative labor of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and third prize in the Hai Phong City Labor Workers Technical Creativity Contest 2022-2023. The success of the initiatives also brings great encouragement for Mr. Hung to continue working, creating , and contributing more to the development of the business.

Mai Dung

Sáng kiến tự động hóa làm lợi tiền tỉ cho doanh nghiệp

Mai Dung |

Anh Nguyễn Thái Hải - Công ty TNHH Sumida Việt Nam (KCN Nhật Bản - Hải Phòng) - vừa có sáng kiến cải tiến thiết bị tự động hóa góp phần nâng cao năng suất, giảm nhân công, làm lợi cho doanh nghiệp hơn 1,65 tỉ đồng/năm.

Công đoàn phát động “Góp sáng kiến - Hiến ý tưởng”

Kiều Vũ |

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Trần Ngọc Duy |

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Những sáng kiến làm lợi tiền tỉ của các kỹ sư đoạt giải thưởng Tôn Đức Thắng

Nam Dương |

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Bảo vệ sức khỏe người lao động từ 1 sáng kiến ở Hải Phòng

Đoàn Hưng |

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Bộ Nội vụ nói về sáng kiến để xét Chiến sĩ thi đua cấp tỉnh


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Duy Tuấn |

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Automation initiatives make billions of profits for businesses

Mai Dung |

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Kiều Vũ |

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Trần Ngọc Duy |

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Nam Dương |

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Đoàn Hưng |

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