Trade unions at all levels launch campaign to support people affected by natural disasters

Nhóm phóng viên |

Responding to the call of General Secretary and President To Lam; Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor... trade unions at all levels across the country quickly mobilized union members and workers to donate to support people in areas affected by storms, floods, and inundations...

* On September 10, the Central State Bank Trade Union launched a campaign for union members and employees of the State Bank to donate to support people in storm and flood affected areas.

At the launching ceremony, Mr. Dao Minh Tu - Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank, Chairman of the Vietnam Banking Trade Union emphasized: “Now more than ever, our people need the joint help of the whole country. Every contribution, no matter how small, is a great source of encouragement, helping our people overcome difficulties and stabilize their lives. With the spirit of mutual love, the units under the State Bank have actively responded and implemented donation and support activities. The donated money will be delivered directly to the people affected by storms and floods, helping them overcome the consequences and stabilize their lives.”

Previously, the Central State Bank Trade Union requested grassroots trade unions to launch, mobilize and notify union members and workers to attend and support the program; report and invite unit leaders to arrange to attend the launching program.

* With the spirit of "For beloved colleagues - joining hands to support Education in flood-affected areas", the Vietnam Education Trade Union has asked cadres, teachers, workers, philanthropists, and businesses to join hands to support and share difficulties with cadres, teachers, and students in flood-affected areas.

According to a quick report from the leaders of the Education Trade Union of provinces and cities affected by storm No. 3, Thai Nguyen province had 500 teachers' families flooded, 3 educational facilities were completely isolated; Hai Phong city had 100% of schools flooded and damaged, of which 20% of schools were severely damaged; Tuyen Quang province had Chiem Hoa boarding school with the first floor flooded, teachers and students had to stay at school, 1 preschool student was swept away by the flood while accompanying his parents; Cao Bang province had 4 students killed, 2 teachers and 1 student missing...

Chairman of the Vietnam Education Trade Union Nguyen Ngoc An directed and requested that the Education Trade Unions of provinces and cities affected by storms and floods should regularly update the damage and send it to the Vietnam Education Trade Union to promptly support employees and schools, ensuring conditions for teachers and students to return to school soon.
At the same time, the education sector in the provinces in the Central and Southern regions should mobilize resources in every way to join hands to support teachers, students and pupils in the storm and flood areas to stabilize their spirits, respond to and overcome the consequences of the floods.

* The Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group calls for support to overcome the damage caused by storm No.
3 in the northern provinces. The Vietnam Oil and Gas Trade Union requests its affiliated Trade Unions to act as focal points and coordinate with mass organizations to implement the campaign. The affiliated Trade Unions need to summarize and report the results to the Vietnam Oil and Gas Trade Union by the end of September 11 to promptly allocate timely support to affected localities, as well as participate in the support delegations of the Group - Vietnam Oil and Gas Trade Union.

Responding to the call of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group - Trade Union, many units have organized donations. In particular, with the spirit of mutual love and support for people in flood-affected areas, Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Joint Stock Company (BSR) has launched a campaign to support provinces/cities to overcome the damage caused by storm No. 3 and floods, flash floods, and landslides.

On this occasion, the Party Committee, the Board of Directors of the company and BSR's mass organizations called on all employees with compassion, sharing and affection to donate and support people in localities affected by storm No. 3 and the storm's aftermath.

Nhóm phóng viên

Bạn đọc ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3 ngày 6 - 9.9.2024

LĐ |

Trong thời gian từ ngày 6 đến ngày 9.9, Quỹ Xã hội từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng đã tiếp nhận được sự ủng hộ từ các Quý đơn vị, tổ chức, cá nhân như sau:

Cà Mau, Bạc Liêu chung tay ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3


Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Cà Mau có điện thăm hỏi đồng bào bị ảnh hưởng cơn bão số 3 và thông tin ủng hộ 6,7 tỉ đồng để chung tay khắc phục hậu quả thiên tai.

Nhiều cơ quan ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3

Vương Trần |

Ngày 11.9, tại Hà Nội, Ban Tuyên giáo Trung ương tổ chức phát động quyên góp, ủng hộ nhân dân các địa phương bị thiệt hại do cơn bão số 3 gây ra.

Arsenal giành 3 điểm trên sân Tottenham

Nhóm PV |

Bàn thắng duy nhất của Gabriel giúp Arsenal thắng trên sân Tottenham ở vòng 4 Premier League tối 15.9.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN động viên, hỗ trợ người lao động tại Tuyên Quang

Lam Thanh |

Sáng 15.9, ông Nguyễn Đình Khang - Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam cùng đoàn công tác đến thăm hỏi, động viên, trao hỗ trợ cho đoàn viên, NLĐ bị ảnh hưởng bởi bão số 3 tại Tuyên Quang.

Tin 20h: Có gì bên trong xe đầu kéo vụ sập cầu Phong Châu?


Tin 20h: Cảnh sát cơ động cõng đồ tiếp tế, vượt núi vào vùng sạt lở; Không phát hiện thi thể trong xe đầu kéo vụ sập cầu Phong Châu...

Ngang nhiên rào tôn chắn cửa sổ nhà dân giữa Hà Nội

Minh Hạnh |

Hà Nội - Một nhóm người tự ý rào tôn chắn cửa sổ nhà dân, khiến căn nhà bị thiếu ánh sáng, thiếu không khí, và tiềm ẩn nguy cơ cháy nổ, khó cứu nạn, cứu hộ.

Cơn bão mạnh nhất 75 năm sắp đổ bộ Thượng Hải, Trung Quốc

Song Minh |

Bão Bebinca có thể trở thành một trong những cơn bão mạnh nhất đổ bộ vào Thượng Hải, Trung Quốc kể từ năm 1949.

Readers support compatriots affected by storm number 3 by sending to the Fund

LĐ |

During the period from September 6 to 9, the Golden Heart Charity Fund received support from the following units, organizations and individuals:

Ca Mau supports 6.7 billion VND to overcome the consequences of storms and floods in the North


The Secretary of the Ca Mau Provincial Party Committee sent a message to visit people affected by storm No. 3 and informed about the donation of 6.7 billion VND to join hands to overcome the consequences of natural disasters.

Many agencies support people affected by storm number 3

Vương Trần |

On September 11, in Hanoi, the Central Propaganda Department launched a fundraising campaign to support people in localities affected by storm No. 3.