Can Tho workers shine brightly at a collective wedding ceremony

Phong Linh - Mỹ Ly |

8 couples who are union members and employees of business units in the area were organized by the Can Tho City Trade Union for a collective wedding ceremony .

On August 22, in Can Tho City, the city's Confederation of Labor held a group wedding ceremony for employees in 2024. Attending was Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (LDLDVN).

In the overwhelming happiness at the wedding, Mr. Dang An Phuoc - Worker of TKG Taekwang Can Tho Co., Ltd. - said that the couple had been together for 5 years but could not hold the wedding due to difficult family circumstances. towel. Today's wedding ceremony has helped both of their marriages be complete.

Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Xuan Hung (right) presented wedding gifts to the couple at a group wedding organized by Can Tho City Trade Union. Photo: Phong Linh
Couples took commemorative photos with guests and organizers. Photo: Phong Linh
The bride and groom receive wedding rings from the sponsor. Photo: Phong Linh

"Thanks to the wedding, I clearly see my rights and have more confidence in the Trade Union organization. From now on, my husband and I will try to work and strive for the future," Mr. Phuoc said.

Sharing that joy, Mr. Truong Van Tham - Mr. Phuoc's father-in-law - emotionally shared: "As parents, we have always wanted to organize a wedding for our two children but have never been able to do so due to difficult circumstances. Seeing the two children happy at the wedding, my wish is also fulfilled. I hope that after this wedding, you will be even happier together."

As the oldest couple at the group wedding, Mr. Huynh Huu Em - a worker at Huy Viet Tay Do Production and Trading Co., Ltd. - happily said: "We got to know each other, and if we liked each other, we would live together. I didn't think about holding a wedding. Partly because of my age, partly because of my lack of economic conditions. Now that the City Labor Federation can hold a wedding ceremony, I will be even happier and closer to each other."

The couple entered the wedding ceremony with the blessings of many people. Photo: Phong Linh
Happy bride and groom holding hands. Photo: Phong Linh

At the wedding, the bride and groom were able to fully perform the rituals of cutting the wedding cake, pouring wine, exchanging rings, drinking wine and receiving gifts from the Can Tho City Trade Union and relatives.

Mr. Doan Van Dung - Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Can Tho City - informed that the collective wedding ceremony is one of the activities to care for and support workers and employees in difficult circumstances who cannot organize private wedding ceremonies according to their own standards. traditional customs and practices of our people; Helps employees create a warm home, save money, stabilize their life, and feel secure in their work and production.

"Hopefully couples will always be a fulcrum and motivation for each other, whether rich or poor, "hand in hand", together overcoming all difficulties and challenges in life, trying to work and produce. export to contribute to building units and businesses to develop, contributing to building the hometown of Can Tho City to be increasingly developed, civilized, rich and beautiful" - Mr. Dung said.

Before the official wedding ceremony took place, the bride and groom and their relatives were paraded by electric vehicles, then participated in the incense offering ceremony at Uncle Ho's monument at Ninh Kieu Wharf. Photo: Phong Linh
The bride and groom and the wedding organizers took commemorative photos. Photo: Phong Linh
Phong Linh - Mỹ Ly

Công nhân Cần Thơ hồi hộp chờ ngày làm lễ cưới tập thể


Được Công đoàn hỗ trợ, tạo điều kiện tổ chức lễ cưới tập thể, nhiều đoàn viên, công nhân lao động tại Cần Thơ không giấu được niềm hạnh phúc và mong chờ.

Nhiều hỗ trợ cho đoàn viên tham gia lễ cưới tập thể

Thanh Nhàn |

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Tổ chức lễ cưới tập thể cho 10 cặp đôi công nhân lao động Bình Dương


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Gửi thông báo hơn 7.600 cán bộ vi phạm nồng độ cồn


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Thủ tướng Israel tuyên bố mở rộng mục tiêu chiến sự ở Gaza

Thanh Hà |

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Thu nhập thấp, công nhân xoay xở lo chi phí đầu năm học


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