Emulation mark on the construction site of 500kV circuit 3 line

Nguyễn Văn Lương - Trưởng ban Tuyên giáo Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam |

One of the factors that create strength and success at the 500kV Line 3 construction site is the mark of emulation movements.

Going through 9 provinces, with many high mountain passes, extremely dangerous terrain... Burning hot weather, harsh thunderstorms... The amount of work is huge, while the construction time is very tight. But everyone joined forces and agreed to "Overcome the sun - beat the rain" on the construction site to bring the 3rd circuit 500kV Line Project to the finish line...

These specific difficulties still did not stop the Quang Trach 3rd Circuit 500kV Line Project. - Pho Noi reached the finish line "lightning speed". One of the factors that create strength and success on the construction site is the mark of emulation movements!

The 500kV circuit 3 line project from Quang Trach to Pho Noi is a national key project, with the role of enhancing power transmission capacity on the North - Central 500kV line axis, contributing to increasing electricity supply to the North. .

The project is directly and closely directed by the Government, the Prime Minister, leaders of ministries, branches, local authorities... and the consensus of the majority of people in the places where the project passes. EVN, EVNNPT and construction contractors, supervision consultants... have joined forces, unanimously, and implemented efforts with high determination, creative and fierce working spirit.

Along with that, many exciting emulation movements on the construction site have been launched and implemented.

President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited and encouraged workers at the construction site of the 500kV line circuit 3. Photo: Vietnam General Confederation of Labor
President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited and encouraged workers at the construction site of the 500kV line circuit 3. Photo: Vietnam General Confederation of Labor

A typical example is the Emulation Movement to build a 500kV circuit 3 line from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen) jointly organized by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and Vietnam Electricity Group. With the theme Year One: Fastest progress; Best quality; Safe - Most economical; Most creative; Taking care of the best life, the movement takes place for 120 days and nights from March 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024.

Next are exciting and key movements such as: Sprint emulation "45 days and nights to complete 500kV circuit 3 line projects from Quang Trach to Pho Noi"; “30 days and nights to complete the final items to inaugurate the 500 kV circuit 3 line project from Quang Trach to Pho Noi”…

These are all movements deployed on a large scale across the entire construction site, receiving enthusiastic participation and response from all forces immediately after launching. The movements have created great motivation for the units - especially the staff and workers on the construction site to have more confidence and working spirit, promoting the determination to "overcome the sun, overcome the rain". working "through holidays and through Tet" tirelessly.

Mr. Nguyen Truong Sinh - Technical Department, Ha Tinh Power Transmission, Power Transmission Company 1 (under EVNNPT) - expressed: "I feel very honored and proud to have contributed a small part of my efforts." on the success of this historic project. The most difficult thing for us during the construction process was the harsh climatic conditions and high winds with many column locations located on high mountains or in the middle of deep fields. There are many locations where construction workers have to transport equipment and supplies manually. To ensure progress, you must work through noon and night. Especially during the peak of summer heat, we have to work on high poles, which is very tiring. But we all encourage each other to try our best to bring the project to the finish line soon."

Mr. Nguyen Si Thang, Director of Ha Tinh Power Transmission, Power Transmission Company 1 (under EVNNPT). Photo: Nguyen Van Luong
Mr. Nguyen Si Thang - Director of Ha Tinh Power Transmission, Power Transmission Company 1 (under EVNNPT). Photo: Nguyen Van Luong

As for Mr. Nguyen Si Thang - Director of Ha Tinh Power Transmission, Power Transmission Company 1 (under EVNNPT) - shared: "During the construction process, we were mobilized and supported by contractors to organize the construction to keep up with the progress. From June 3 to now, Ha Tinh Power Transmission has participated in erecting 6 poles. With the love for the job and the spirit of solidarity of the transmission soldiers, we are proud to have contributed to the overall success of the project".

During the implementation process, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor , Vietnam Electricity Trade Union, and EVN/NPT also continuously closely monitored and promoted the practical and effective implementation of the movement. Preliminary rounds of the movement, periodic and unexpected rewards... were organized to promptly recognize and praise the units and workers participating in the movement better.

On June 13, in Hanoi, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor organized a preliminary conference and awarded Certificates of Merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement to build 500kV circuit 3 line projects.

In particular, from emulation movements, many typical collectives and individuals have appeared, and many technical innovations have been applied that have contributed to shortening construction time.

Typical examples include the successful application of technology using UAVs to lay bait cables and pull wires; The initiative "manufacturing operation racks to serve the erection of pipe columns (MEAS)"... was implemented and applied simultaneously throughout the entire construction site. Emulation movements have made an important contribution to promoting project progress. In particular, many items on construction sites are ahead of schedule compared to requirements.

Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited and encouraged workers on the construction site of the 500kV circuit 3 line. Photo: Tran Tuan
Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited and encouraged workers on the construction site of the 500kV circuit 3 line. Photo: Tran Tuan

At the trip to inspect and encourage Vietnamese officials to construct the 500kV 3-phase 3-circuit transmission line on August 21, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Khang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - acknowledged the efforts of EVN, The National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) and the units participating in the project have overcome all difficulties, with the spirit of "just work, don't talk back", "overcome the sun, beat the rain", and work " 3 shifts of 4 crews, 24/7 construction, closely following the construction site, throughout holidays and Tet holidays with the highest determination, especially during the current sprint period.

The President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor affirmed: "Having witnessed with my own eyes the spirit of overcoming difficulties of the collective of workers and engineers in the electricity industry, I feel very impressed. Officials, union members, workers, and construction contractors have followed the Prime Minister's direction to "overcome the sun, overcome the rain" and in this case, even overcome the wind. But with the creativity and determination of the collective of officials, workers, and laborers on the construction site, the project has now reached the finish line. This is truly a miracle of Vietnam's Electricity industry."

The emulation movement for 500kV line projects is clear evidence of the necessity and important role of trade unions in the country's economic development. The movement has mobilized the strength of both the political system and the social community, contributing to bringing the project to its destination safely, on schedule and saving costs. From this emulation movement, it will spread and continue to promote emulation movements to promote the construction and development of synchronous and modern economic and social infrastructure nationwide to contribute to the country's development.

Nguyễn Văn Lương - Trưởng ban Tuyên giáo Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam

Ngày mai (29.8), khánh thành đường dây 500kV mạch 3

Anh Tuấn - QUANG ĐẠI |

Đến nay, công tác chuẩn bị cho lễ khánh thành dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 diễn ra vào ngày 29.8 tại các điểm cầu đã cơ bản hoàn tất.

Sẵn sàng cho lễ khánh thành đường dây 500kV mạch 3


Đến nay, công tác chuẩn bị cho lễ khánh thành dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 diễn ra vào ngày 29.8 tại điểm cầu Hà Tĩnh đã cơ bản hoàn tất.

Xây dựng đường dây 500kV có vai trò quan trọng của người dân

Xuân Hùng |

"Dự án 500kV mạch 3 qua Thanh Hóa hoàn thành có vai trò rất quan trọng của người dân" - ông Mai Xuân Liêm - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Thanh Hóa khẳng định.

Man City chia điểm đáng thất vọng trước Inter Milan

Nhóm PV |

Man City đã không thể thắng Inter Milan trên sân nhà tại vòng mở màn Champions League 2024-2025 vào rạng sáng 19.9.

Chồng chéo rừng phòng hộ, dân gặp khó khi thu hoạch rừng keo


Hàng trăm hecta keo của người dân xã Kỳ Tây (huyện Kỳ Anh, Hà Tĩnh) đang gặp khó trong việc thu hoạch do bị xác định chồng lấn đất rừng phòng hộ.

Sắp trình Chủ tịch nước danh sách phạm nhân được đặc xá


Hội đồng tư vấn đặc xá sẽ tổng hợp, trình Chủ tịch nước danh sách phạm nhân đủ điều kiện được đặc xá để xem xét, quyết định.

Công nhân Nhà máy xử lý rác Bảo Lộc mòn mỏi đợi chờ lương


Nhà máy xử lý rác ở Lâm Đồng hứa sẽ giải quyết một phần tiền lương trước ngày 15.9, nhưng đến nay, người lao động vẫn mòn mỏi đợi chờ.

Giờ thứ 9: Giao kèo hôn nhân - Phần 1

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Hai nhân vật trong câu chuyện là bạn thân. Vì gia đình thúc ép, họ đã đến với nhau bằng một bản hợp đồng hôn nhân. Họ sẽ sống với nhau như thế nào?

Ready for the inauguration ceremony of 500kV circuit 3 line

Anh Tuấn - QUANG ĐẠI |

Up to now, preparations for the inauguration ceremony of the 500kV circuit 3 line project taking place on August 29 at the bridge points have been basically completed.

Ready for the inauguration ceremony of 500kV circuit 3 line


Up to now, preparations for the inauguration ceremony of the 500kV circuit 3 line project taking place on August 29 at the Ha Tinh bridge point have been basically completed.

Construction of the 500kV line plays an important role for the people

Xuân Hùng |

"The completion of the 500kV circuit 3 project through Thanh Hoa plays a very important role for the people" - Mr. Mai Xuan Liem - Vice Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee affirmed.