Nearly 500 union members attended the Construction Industry Trade Union Sports Festival

Thành An |

Ba Ria - Vung Tau - Labor Sports Festival organized by the Provincial Construction Industry Union attracted nearly 500 union members and workers to compete in 7 competitions.

On August 17, the Construction Industry Union of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province organized a Sports Festival for workers and civil servants in the province's Construction industry at Vietsovpetro Cultural and Sports Center, Vung Tau City.

This is a practical activity to celebrate the 79th anniversary of National Day September 2; 33 years since the founding of the Provincial Labor Confederation (October 28); Actively respond to the movement "Exercise your body following the example of the great Uncle Ho", continue to develop and improve the quality of fitness and sports movements among workers and civil servants in the Construction industry.

There were nearly 500 union members and workers from 21 grassroots trade union units under the Construction Industry Union of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province participating in sports competitions such as billiards, tennis, badminton, chess, and racing. slow bicycle; and some folk sports games such as land boat racing and relay painting.

Union members participated in chess and badminton events at the sports festival. Photo: Thanh An
Union members participated in chess and badminton events at the sports festival. Photo: Thanh An

Mr. Mai Trung Hung - Chairman of the Provincial Construction Industry Trade Union - commented that this is a large-scale sports playground, creating conditions for union members and workers in the industry to have the opportunity to compete and exchange to improve their physical health. ; Encourage union members and employees in the industry to strive and complete professional tasks well.

"Hopefully in the coming time, units will continue to nurture the sports movement; take good care of the material and spiritual lives of union members and workers," Mr. Hung emphasized.

Previously, some sports such as billiards, tennis... held qualifying rounds from August 10. After the opening ceremony, the sports festival entered the final round in sports and organized folk games.

On the same day, the Organizing Committee will summarize and award prizes to individuals and groups with high achievements in the sports festival.

Thành An

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Lam Thanh |

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