Opening roads for workers to access social housing

Bảo Hân - Minh Phương |

Decree No. 100/2024/NĐ-CP provides detailed regulations on certain provisions of the Housing Law regarding the development and management of social housing (NƠXH), thereby facilitating the implementation of the project to build NƠXH for rent by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (LĐLĐVN), and paving the way for workers to access NƠXH.

Workers from rural areas still find it difficult to access NƠXH

Anh Hà Doãn Du (a worker renting a room at the worker's housing area in Kim Chung Commune, Đông Anh District, Hà Nội) said that his wife and he have the intention to buy NƠXH, but they do not have sufficient financial capacity. “If we can borrow with preferential interest rates, it would be very good for us to buy a house. However, the house price must be reasonable so that we dare to borrow money to buy. I think that the highest price of NƠXH is 700-800 million VND, then workers like us can afford to buy and repay the bank loan while still ensuring our living expenses” - Anh Du shared.

Similarly, the total income of worker Phạm Thị Ngân (34 years old, from Thanh Hóa) is only 18-20 million VND per month, after deducting living expenses, children, and only a few million VND are left. That is not to mention that the family has a job, illness, and the wife's and husband's salary is not enough for living expenses.

According to chị Ngân, if the income does not increase in any way, the couple must repay the loan in 20 years to have NƠXH. Both children are currently in elementary school, if they cannot settle down and work in the city, chị Ngân calculates that in the future, she will send the children back to their grandparents in the countryside. Meanwhile, chị Ngân and her husband will stick to the city for another 5-7 years, saving a bit of money and then returning to the countryside.

Longing for NƠXH, chị Ngân hopes that new projects will have many apartments with an area of less than 50m2, with reasonable prices so that people with average income have many options to buy. At the same time, for NƠXH projects, the state needs to have policies to support loans, preferential interest rates, then cases like hers can have the opportunity to buy.

According to the female worker, the current NƠXH projects are very difficult to access, in addition to income, to be eligible to buy a house, one must meet many other criteria. “NƠXH projects are few, while the demand for buyers is much higher, it is very difficult to get approved. The new law has stipulated that the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor can build NƠXH for workers to rent. If we cannot buy a house, we can also rent at a low price, and the living environment is much better than the current rental houses. We still have to hope and rely on it” - chị Ngân said.

Reducing pressure on housing for workers

In an interview with a reporter, Mr. Lê Văn Nghĩa - Head of the Project Management Board of the Trade Union (Vietnam General Confederation of Labor) - said that the Decree has increased the income requirement for single individuals to be eligible for NƠXH support from 11 million VND per month to 15 million VND per month.

“This adjustment will create conditions for workers, people with income like this to buy houses and also ensure social security, reduce the pressure on housing for workers. In addition, the selection criteria can be simplified, the content related to the registration file can be concise and lighter than before. This is one of the big opportunities for people, including workers and laborers, to enjoy the state's preferential treatment” - Mr. Nghĩa commented.

Mr. Nghĩa believes that reducing the interest rate for home loans in society is extremely necessary. “If we borrow at the interest rate of commercial banks to buy NƠXH, it will be very difficult for workers and people with low income. Just having a policy to support interest rates for loans will create conditions for workers, people with low income in society to be less burdensome, save a part of their income to make it easier to repay the bank loan; reduce costs for people with low income, thereby creating more favorable conditions for accessing NƠXH” - Mr. Nghĩa commented.

Regulations creating conditions for the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor

Mr. Lê Văn Nghĩa - Head of the Trade Union Board (Vietnam General Confederation of Labor) said that according to Decree 100, the selection of investors is also based on the law on public investment, the law on construction; the unit price, construction unit price, and rental price decision are implemented by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

“These regulations are very suitable, creating conditions for the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to implement the project of building NƠXH for workers to rent in provinces, very suitable with the function and tasks of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, creating conditions for the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to implement the NƠXH project for rent as soon as possible” - Mr. Lê Văn Nghĩa said.

On that basis, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has implemented the content of Plan 106 dated July 19, 2024 to prepare for investment and plan to start construction of NƠXH in 3 provinces: Bến Tre, Tiền Giang, and Bắc Ninh in 2025; from 2026-2030, there will be a roadmap to build NƠXH in 27 provinces.

“To enable the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to implement the plan well, it is necessary to have the help and support of the provinces in terms of land allocation, environmental impact assessment, fire prevention and fighting, and ensuring the progress, suitability to implement the investment procedures according to the law on public investment”- Mr. Lê Văn Nghĩa said.

Bảo Hân - Minh Phương

Giá nhà ở xã hội tại Hải Phòng thấp nhất hơn 14 triệu đồng/m2

Mai Chi |

Sở Xây dựng TP Hải Phòng vừa công bố mức giá bán nhà ở xã hội thấp nhất là 14.125.000 đồng/m2, cao nhất là 19.500.000 đồng/m2 tùy theo vị trí.

Người mua nhà ở xã hội mới vay được 49 tỉ đồng trong gói 120.000 tỉ


Gói 120.000 tỉ đồng mới giải ngân được 1.344 tỉ đồng, trong đó là 49 tỉ đồng cho người mua nhà ở xã hội.

Người có thu nhập dưới 15 triệu khó tiếp cận nhà ở xã hội

Mạnh Cường |

Từng thử hỏi mua nhà ở xã hội nhưng chị Nguyễn Kiều Linh (30 tuổi, ngụ quận Hà Đông, Hà Nội) cảm thấy nản chí vì các thủ tục, quy định khá khắt khe.

Chính sách nhà ở xã hội có hiệu lực từ 1.8.2024

Nhóm PV |

Nghị định 100 có hiệu lực từ ngày 1.8 đã được Chính phủ ban hành, nới điều kiện về thu nhập với người có nhu cầu thuê, mua loại hình nhà ở xã hội.

Nới lỏng điều kiện, đơn giản thủ tục tiếp cận nhà ở xã hội

Tuyết Lan |

Quy định mới tại Nghị định số 100/2024/NĐ-CP đã “nới lỏng” thêm các điều kiện và đơn giản hóa thủ tục hành chính giúp người dân dễ dàng tiếp cận nhà ở xã hội.

Những điểm sáng chính sách để phát triển nhà ở xã hội

Lê Thanh Phong |

Các dự án nhà ở xã hội (NƠXH) tại nhiều địa phương vẫn ì ạch là vì chủ đầu tư chưa tìm thấy sự thuận lợi và lợi ích khi tham gia. Nhưng với sự thay đổi chính sách, bằng những hỗ trợ và ưu đãi phù hợp, chắc chắn doanh nghiệp sẵn sàng thực hiện các dự án. Có nhiều điều kiện mà doanh nghiệp đầu tư NƠXH yêu cầu, nhưng cho dù điều kiện gì thì cũng với hai mục đích, đó là giảm thủ tục hành chính và tăng ưu đãi.

Giảm thủ tục hành chính, tăng ưu đãi cho chủ đầu tư phát triển nhà ở xã hội

Tuyết Lan thực hiện |

“Nghị định số 100/2024/NĐ-CP đã giảm bớt thủ tục hành chính ở bước thẩm định giá về nhà ở xã hội và tăng thêm nhiều ưu đãi cho chủ đầu tư. Đây là tiền đề quan trọng hướng tới việc lựa chọn các nhà đầu tư thực hiện dự án với chi phí thấp” - luật sư, ThS Phạm Thanh Tuấn (Đoàn luật sư TP Hà Nội) trao đổi với PV Báo Lao Động về những điểm mới của Nghị định số 100/2024/NĐ-CP.

Xuất hiện clip đánh, đá trẻ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc

Phan Thành |

Bình Thuận - Từ hình ảnh bảo mẫu đánh bầm tím trẻ nhỏ và đoạn camera cảnh đánh, đá trẻ nhỏ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc làm rõ.

The lowest price of social housing in Hai Phong is more than 14 million VND/m2

Mai Chi |

The Department of Construction of Hai Phong City has just announced the lowest social housing selling price is 14,125,000 VND/m2, the highest is 19,500,000 VND/m2 depending on location.

New social housing buyers borrowed 49 billion for a package of 120,000 billion VND


The new 120,000 billion VND package disbursed 1,344 billion VND, of which 49 billion VND was for social housing buyers .

People with income under 15 million have difficulty accessing social housing

Mạnh Cường |

Once tried to buy social housing , but Ms. Nguyen Kieu Linh (30 years old, living in Ha Dong district, Hanoi) felt discouraged because the procedures and regulations were quite strict.

The social housing policy takes effect from August 1, 2024

Nhóm PV |

Decree 100, effective from August 1, was issued by the Government, loosening income conditions for people wishing to rent or buy social housing .

Relaxing conditions and simplifying procedures for accessing social housing

Tuyết Lan |

The new regulations in Decree No. 100/2024/ND-CP have further "relaxed" conditions and simplified administrative procedures to help people easily access social housing .

Policy highlights for social housing development

Lê Thanh Phong |

Social housing projects in many localities are still sluggish because investors have not found the convenience and benefits of participating. But with policy changes , with appropriate support and incentives, businesses are certainly ready to implement projects. There are many conditions that businesses investing in social housing require, but no matter what the conditions are, they have two purposes, which are to reduce administrative procedures and increase incentives.

Reduce administrative procedures, increase incentives for investors developing social housing

Tuyết Lan thực hiện |

“Decree No. 100/2024/ND-CP has reduced administrative procedures at the price appraisal step of social housing and increased many incentives for investors. This is an important premise towards selecting investors to implement projects at low costs" - lawyer, MSc Pham Thanh Tuan (Hanoi Bar Association) discussed with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper about the points new Decree No. 100/2024/ND-CP.