Increasing the regional minimum wage after July 1 helps workers increase their income

Mạnh Cường |

An increase in the regional minimum wage leads to an increase in many other allowances to help workers ensure a better life.

Mr. Nguyen Van Toan (30 years old) - a fabric cutting worker in Nam Dinh said that every time the regional minimum wage increases, the company increases accompanying allowances, helping his and other workers' incomes also improve. somewhat good.

From July 1, 2024, in addition to increasing the regional minimum wage to nearly 300,000 VND, he will also receive an increase in hazardous allowances and responsibility money. Each month, male workers have nearly 500,000 VND more to buy milk for their children and improve their daily meals.

Thinking about the months when he had little work or had to take time off to take his children to the hospital or get sick, Mr. Toan felt even more happy when the regional minimum wage was adjusted to increase.

According to the male worker, previously, the salary paid for social insurance was only 4.3 million VND, and each day off was only 134,000 - 180,000 VND. After July 1, 2024, when leaving work, you will receive from 150,000 to 200,000 VND depending on the reason for leaving.

When there is little work (August and September every year), Mr. Toan also feels more secure even though he only works office hours. With an increase of nearly 500,000 VND compared to before, the male worker believes that he can still feel secure living in the countryside and will not be affected too much.

Both Mr. Toan and his wife are working, receive salaries and pay monthly social insurance. Therefore, the regional minimum wage increased by 6%, Mr. Toan said, almost every month, the couple will be able to save money on breakfast and electricity and water for the whole family, without having to worry too much even when it is little. job.

For Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu (28 years old) - a leather shoe worker in Nam Dinh, the regional minimum wage and base salary increasing at the same time will make her extremely happy and feel more secure when enjoying maternity benefits during her maternity leave. next.

It is expected that in November this year, Ms. Thu will give birth to a baby. The increase in salary will help female workers have an additional 5 million VND in maternity pay compared to before.

“When I started getting pregnant, my social insurance salary was only 4.7 million VND, my base salary was 1.8 million VND. At that time, I calculated myself nearly 31 million VND in total. In 5 months when I give birth, I can receive 36 million VND, not to mention the allowance for days off to go for prenatal checkups" - Ms. Thu confided.

Sharing more details, Ms. Thu said that the company pays great attention to increasing the basic salary and allowances for employees. According to the new regulations, female workers will receive an increase of 280,000 VND in the regional minimum wage and nearly 300,000 VND in child allowances, responsibility, and seniority currently enjoyed.

Regarding her upcoming income, Ms. Thu said that even when she doesn't have much work, her income will still be maintained at a minimum of 6.5 million VND/month instead of less than 6 million VND like before. With this income, Ms. Thu shares enough to pay for school fees and daily meals for her three children, and her husband will support the rest.

Mạnh Cường

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