Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology owes more than 1.6 billion VND in salary and social insurance

Ngọc Viên |

Working for many years for Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology in Quang Ngai, dozens of teachers and employees are owed wages and insurance with a total amount of over 1.6 billion VND, making their lives difficult.

Signed commitment but debt still not paid

According to the petition of dozens of cadres, employees and workers who have quit their jobs at Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology, with the intervention of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA), Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology Company Limited signed a commitment to pay salary and social insurance debts in one go on November 29, 2023.

However, the company later failed to pay the social insurance , health insurance (HI), and unemployment insurance (UI) debts to the Quang Ngai Provincial Social Insurance and did not pay the employees' salaries as committed. The business owner intentionally prolonged the time to avoid debt.

Faced with the above situation, on May 7, 2024, a representative of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of the province worked with this unit on salary payment to employees.

The business representative signed a second commitment to pay the salary to the employees in 3 installments: 1st installment, no later than May 20, 2024, to pay 30% of the salary; 2nd installment, no later than June 30, 2024, to pay 30% of the salary; 3rd installment, no later than July 30, 2024, to pay 40% of the salary. However, up to now, the business owner has only paid 30% of the salary, of which 2 cases have not been paid yet.

The union will assist in debt collection.

Ms. Ton Thi Ngoc Suong in Group 1, Le Hong Phong Ward, Quang Ngai City said: "I worked in the training department of Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology from 2014 to 2016, then quit because the school did not pay my salary.

The school still owes me about 40 million VND. We really hope the school will soon pay the teachers and employees so that we can have money to cover our daily expenses.”

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Nguyen Phuc Nhan - Chairman of the Quang Ngai Provincial Federation of Labor - said that on August 23, 2024, the Provincial Federation of Labor chaired a meeting to resolve the petition of the collective of workers of Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology (now Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology Company Limited).

According to the employees' feedback, from 2009 to 2016, Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology Company Limited (this unit has not yet established a trade union) has not paid salaries and completed procedures to close social insurance books for employees. As of July 31, 2024, the company still owes over 640 million VND in salaries for 20 employees and over 1 billion VND (including interest) in social insurance, health insurance , and unemployment insurance contributions.

“After working with the collective of workers, the Provincial Federation of Labor will collect all relevant documents and soon send a written request to the competent authorities to resolve the matter, not letting the case drag on and affect the legitimate rights and interests of the workers,” Mr. Nguyen Phuc Nhan added.

Ngọc Viên

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