Basic salary coefficient to calculate salaries for civil servants and public employees

Minh Hương |

Below is the basic salary coefficient to calculate salaries for officials, civil servants and public employees in 2024.

Currently, salaries of public sector workers are determined according to Article 3 of Circular 07/2024/TT-BNV.

Salary = Base salary x Salary coefficient.

Of which, the base salary is 2.34 million VND. The current basic salary coefficient of cadres, civil servants and public employees is specified in Decree 204/2004/ND-CP:

Basic salary coefficient table for civil servants:

The following is a table of professional salary coefficients for officials and civil servants (Table 2):

According to this table, the lowest civil servant salary coefficient is 1.35 (corresponding to a salary of 3,159,000 VND/month) and the highest salary coefficient is 8.00 (corresponding to a salary of 18,720,000 VND/month).

Table of basic salary coefficients for civil servants:

The table of professional and professional salary coefficients for officers and employees in public service units (Table 3) is as follows:

According to the above salary table, the lowest employee salary coefficient is 1.50 (corresponding to a salary of 3,510,000 VND/month) and the highest salary coefficient is 8.00 (corresponding to a salary of 18,720,000 VND/month). .

From July 1, 2024, salary reform based on job position will not be implemented but will continue to implement salary based on the base salary of 2.34 million VND/month. According to Conclusion 83-KL/TW in 2024, one of the factors for salary reform is to build 5 new salary tables according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW: Abolishing the current base salary and salary coefficient, Build the basic salary with a specific amount in the new salary table.

Continue to propose the implementation of 5 new salary tables and 9 new allowance regimes for the public sector accordingly, to submit to the Central Government for consideration after 2026.

Therefore, if the proposal is approved, the base salary and salary coefficient will be removed to build a new salary table after 2026.

Minh Hương

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