Warning about fake Vertu Signature S 4G in Vietnam


Vertu Signature phones assembled from components of unknown origin have begun to appear as the date of 2G shutdown in Vietnam is approaching.

Recently, on social networking forums related to sharing experiences and exchanging and trading Vertu phones, the topic of Signature S phones running on 2G waves that can "magically" turn into 4G phones has received much attention from users.

With only a few days left until Vietnam shuts down 2G signals nationwide, this information is causing even more confusion among users because previously, Vertu affirmed that the mainboard of 2G and 4G devices cannot be replaced.

Signature 2G phones after being upgraded to 4G will be sold for only a few million to a few tens of million VND - a relative difference compared to the real value of a genuine phone.

Talking to the exclusive distributor and retailer of Vertu in the Vietnamese market - Vertu Vietnam, they said that the situation of fake Signature phones appearing on the market has been quite a lot. However, at this time, users need to be highly vigilant because the tricks of building fake phones are increasingly sophisticated, targeting the tastes, trust and preferences of consumers for profit.

Nhung chiec Vertu chinh hang duoc che tac tu nhung chat lieu quy hiem bac nhat the gioi. Anh: Loan Tran
Genuine Vertu phones are crafted from the rarest materials in the world. Photo: Loan Tran

Sharing with Lao Dong, a professional technician of Vertu Vietnam said: “In principle, it is impossible to upgrade a 2G device to 4G. The company has not made any announcement about whether the Signature 2G can be upgraded or have its components replaced to become a 4G device.

Therefore, the Signature 4G phones advertised as upgraded from 2G phones are actually assembled from the mainboard to the components, buttons, screens... even the case is a remake from a third party, with no value in terms of materials or existing brand.

These phones are not genuine and Vertu will not protect the rights and interests of customers. At the same time, the product value is also zero because the materials of the cheap phones for sale are processed and plated. Meanwhile, the genuine Signature is handcrafted by the world's leading artisans from the rarest materials such as diamond, gold, ruby, custom calfskin, albino crocodile skin...

Previously, Vertu's Signature line was known as the company's most successful model, considered the symbol of the brand. It is known that all products at Vertu Vietnam are genuine, official and officially distributed to Vietnam, have documents proving their origin, commitment to the company's standard quality, and are warranted at Vertu's official warranty center right in Vietnam.


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Cận cảnh điện thoại Vertu Signature đắt nhất Việt Nam, giá ngang siêu xe


Với mức giá ngang ngửa những chiếc siêu xe Mercedes, Audi, BMW… Vertu Signature V Pure Black Full Gold chính hãng đang là chiếc điện thoại đắt nhất Việt Nam, với mức giá lên đến gần 2,3 tỉ đồng.

Điện thoại Vertu chính hãng được mở bán, phân phối độc quyền tại Việt Nam


Chiều 11.11, Di Động Việt và Vertu Global đã ký kết hợp tác, nhằm mở rộng và nâng cấp dịch vụ của điện thoại Vertu chính hãng đối với thị trường Việt Nam.