MobiFone and F-Secure sign strategic cooperation agreement

Linh Đan |

On September 27, 2024, MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation and F-Secure Cyber ​​Security Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement, with the goal of developing comprehensive cyber security products and solutions, protecting devices and information systems of millions of Vietnamese customers.

Attending the signing ceremony, on MobiFone's side, there was the presence of Mr. Vinh Tuan Bao - Deputy General Director of the Corporation. On F-Secure Group's side, there was the participation of Mr. Anand Renukanand - General Director of F-Secure Asia - Pacific APAC region, along with F-Secure representative in Vietnam.

Tong cong ty Vien thong MobiFone va Tap doan an ninh mang F-Secure da ky ket thoa thuan hop tac chien luoc.
MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation and F-Secure Cyber ​​Security Group have signed a strategic cooperation agreement.

MobiFone is a leading telecommunications company in Vietnam with a large customer base and a development history of more than 31 years. Determined to become the leading digital transformation company in Vietnam, MobiFone is always looking for partners to promote strategic cooperation in the fields of digital infrastructure, solutions and platforms, and digital content.

With F-Secure Group, this is a Finnish cybersecurity company, operating globally, designing and providing security and privacy products and services that help tens of millions of users stay protected from online threats. The combination of F-Secure and MobiFone will be an important step forward in bringing modern security solutions, helping consumers and businesses in Vietnam feel secure against cyber threats.

According to the cooperation agreement, the two enterprises will have a plan to build a long-term business relationship, study the possibility and implementation model of cooperation, in which F-Secure plays a role in building products with the brand provided by MobiFone on the basis of F-Secure's product and service platforms on the market today. MobiFone plays a role in marketing, selling and distributing products to end users in Vietnam. At the same time, the two sides will coordinate to implement cooperation, consulting, research, training, technology transfer, and sharing information on the world's cybersecurity situation to improve the quality of human resources, products and services in the field of cybersecurity when providing services to the market in Vietnam.

Voi viec ky ket hop tac cung F-Secure, MobiFone se mang den cac giai phap bao ve toan dien cho khach hang truoc cac cuoc tan cong mang, virus va phan mem doc hai.
By signing a cooperation agreement with F-Secure, MobiFone will provide comprehensive protection solutions to customers against cyber attacks, viruses and malware.

MobiFone 5G network users will be guaranteed safety and information security on all platforms, privacy and digital identity will also be strictly protected, helping to prevent the risk of information theft. In addition, customers will receive quick and timely technical support, ensuring the safety of their devices; regular updates on network security help users proactively face new threats.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy General Director Vinh Tuan Bao affirmed: “In the period of transformation from a telecommunications company to a technology corporation, MobiFone's strategy is to promote domestic and international cooperation. F-Secure is an important partner of MobiFone in the context of many threats in cyberspace today. We highly appreciate the security solutions that F-Secure has provided to hundreds of telecommunications corporations and millions of customers worldwide. In particular, F-Secure's advanced technologies, developed based on artificial intelligence and the highest security standards, will hopefully help MobiFone not only protect its systems but also bring peace of mind to tens of millions of customers."

In addition to expertise, MobiFone and F-Secure will also work closely in training, knowledge sharing and technology transfer, thereby improving the quality of human resources of both sides. MobiFone leaders believe that the strategic cooperation between MobiFone and F-Secure today will open up many new development opportunities, not only in the field of security but also in building a comprehensive, safe and sustainable digital platform for Vietnam.

With a strategic vision of becoming Vietnam's leading technology corporation by 2030, MobiFone is constantly striving to promote cooperation in building a comprehensive and solid digital ecosystem. Aiming to promote the digital economy and contribute to building a digital society, cooperation with global partners such as F-Secure will be an important key, helping MobiFone pioneer in leading national digital transformation and reaching out in the region.

Linh Đan

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Linh Đan |

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Linh Đan |

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Linh Đan |

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Bùi Đức |

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Linh Đan |

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Linh Đan |

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Linh Đan |

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