Adding foods rich in B12 not only helps reduce belly fat but also improves overall health.
Below are 6 foods rich in vitamin B12 and their mechanisms to help reduce belly fat based on reputable scientific research.
Salmon is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin B12. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), 100 grams of salmon provides about 4.9 mcg of B12, which is more than 200% of the daily requirement.
Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and improve fat burning. Regular consumption of salmon can boost metabolism and help reduce belly fat effectively.
Lean beef
Beef, especially lean cuts, is a rich source of vitamin B12 and high-quality protein. A 100-gram serving of beef contains about 2.5 mcg of B12.
According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, protein from beef helps increase the feeling of fullness for longer, stimulating the body to use energy from excess fat, especially belly fat.
Chicken eggs
Chicken eggs, especially the yolks, provide about 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12 per egg.
According to a study from the University of Missouri, eggs are not only rich in B12 but also contain choline - a compound that helps break down fat stored in the abdominal area.
Eating eggs for breakfast also helps reduce cravings and control calorie intake during the day.
Milk and dairy products
Milk, cheese, and yogurt are foods rich in vitamin B12 and calcium. One cup (240 ml) of whole milk provides about 1.2 mcg of B12.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), yogurt contains probiotic bacteria that not only aid digestion but also regulate gut bacteria, help reduce inflammation and prevent visceral fat storage.
Sardines are a natural source of vitamin B12 with a high content. Just 100 grams of canned sardines provide up to 8.9 mcg of vitamin B12.
According to the National Institute of Nutrition (NIH), sardines contain omega-3s and protein, which help improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and promote effective belly fat burning.
Animal liver
Beef, lamb, or chicken liver is one of the richest foods in vitamin B12. 100 grams of beef liver provides up to 70 mcg of B12, many times the body's daily requirement.
Liver is not only rich in vitamin B12 but also contains iron and folate, which help boost metabolism and reduce excess fat storage.
Recommended use:
To get the most out of foods rich in vitamin B12 for belly fat loss, incorporate them into a balanced diet. Avoid over-processing them to preserve their nutritional value.
Vegetarians or those who do not consume animal foods may consider supplementing B12 through dietary supplements after consulting a doctor.