How to Meet Your Calcium Needs If You Don't Drink Milk


While alternatives can meet your calcium needs, it is essential to eat a varied and balanced diet.

Why is calcium important for the body?

Ms. Varsha Gorey, clinical nutritionist at Apollo Hospital Navi Mumbai (India) - explained that calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and teeth, supporting nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting.

“Milk is an excellent source of calcium, providing about 300mg of calcium per cup, while the recommended daily intake for adults is between 1000 and 1300mg,” says Gorey.

Milk also contains vitamin D, which helps enhance and aid calcium absorption, Gorey added.

Consuming adequate amounts of calcium through sources such as milk helps prevent osteoporosis in women, promotes bone health and supports overall physiological functions, contributing to a fit and healthy body.

Alternative foods for people who do not drink milk

For those who don't drink milk, there are many calcium-rich alternatives to meet their nutritional needs.

Giving up milk doesn’t mean sacrificing calcium, Ms Gorey said. Available alternatives ensure that non-dairy drinkers can eat a varied and nutritious diet while still meeting their calcium needs.

Fortified plant-based milk alternatives, such as almond milk, soy milk or rice milk, often contain similar calcium levels to cow's milk.

Or green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens, and bok choy, as well as fortified orange juice, dried apricots, and tofu are excellent non-dairy sources of calcium. Or some fish and shellfish are also rich in calcium.

While these alternatives can contribute to meeting adults' calcium needs, it is essential to plan a varied and balanced diet to ensure optimal absorption.

Nutritionist Gorey notes that combining the above food sources with other nutrient-rich foods will help support overall bone health and meet calcium needs for those who do not consume dairy.


3 mẹo bổ sung canxi giúp thận và xương khớp khỏe


Hấp thụ không đủ canxi khiến mật độ xương giảm dần theo từng năm sau tuổi 40, dễ bị loãng xương. Do đó, chúng ta cần tập thể dụng và ăn uống đầy đủ.

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Đinh Đinh (theo verywellhealth) |

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3 tips to supplement calcium to help keep kidneys and bones healthy


Insufficient calcium absorption causes bone density to decrease gradually every year after the age of 40, making it easy to develop osteoporosis. Therefore, we need to exercise and eat well.

Calcium supplements from plant sources

Đinh Đinh (theo verywellhealth) |

In addition to supplementing calcium from dairy products, we can choose some of the following plants.

Simple and effective ways to prevent hypocalcemia

Thanh Thanh |

According to Dr. Dang Thi Oanh - Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, the way to prevent hypocalcemia is to supplement calcium through nutrition or oral medication.