3 tips to supplement calcium to help keep kidneys and bones healthy


Insufficient calcium absorption causes bone density to decrease gradually every year after the age of 40, making it easy to develop osteoporosis. Therefore, we need to exercise and eat well.

Food supplements

As people age, their bone metabolism becomes worse, causing calcium loss, osteoporosis, and bone fractures, so they need to supplement calcium promptly.

The appropriate daily calcium intake for the elderly is 500-600 mg.

Milk, dairy products, soy milk, sesame, dried shrimp and other seafood are rich in calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Calcium supplement

As the metabolic capacity of the elderly decreases, the ability to metabolize calcium also decreases.

During calcium supplementation, you must consult your doctor and pay attention to monitoring blood calcium and urine calcium levels to avoid over-supplementation.

When supplementing calcium, pay attention to whether the calcium tablet contains vitamin D. Vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium ions, thereby improving the effectiveness of calcium supplementation.


Exposure to sunlight and exercise can supplement calcium. There is a kind of dehydrocholesterol in human skin, after irradiation with ultraviolet rays, this substance is converted into vitamin D, then enters the body, slowly forming active vitamin D.

Active vitamin D can significantly improve the absorption rate of calcium, so vitamin D is a great helper in promoting calcium absorption.


Bổ sung canxi từ nguồn thực vật

Đinh Đinh (theo verywellhealth) |

Ngoài việc bổ sung canxi từ các sản phẩm từ sữa thì chúng ta có thể lựa chọn một số loại thực vật sau.

Thực phẩm ăn với đậu phụ để bổ sung canxi cho người cao tuổi


Đối với người cao tuổi việc ăn đậu phụ cùng các thực phẩm chứa canxi khác sẽ rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

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HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

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Hoài Phương |

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Calcium supplements from plant sources

Đinh Đinh (theo verywellhealth) |

In addition to supplementing calcium from dairy products, we can choose some of the following plants.

Thực phẩm ăn với đậu phụ để bổ sung canxi cho người cao tuổi


Đối với người cao tuổi việc ăn đậu phụ cùng các thực phẩm chứa canxi khác sẽ rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

Benefits of drinking calcium-fortified milk every day for people over 50 years old

HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

People over 50 years old should drink a glass of milk every day, not only is it good for the body but also helps supplement calcium for bones and joints.