Diabetes directly affects bones, reducing bone density and quality. Here are some of the effects of diabetes on bone quality that you should pay attention to:
- Hyperglycemia
When blood sugar levels remain consistently high, the collagen in connective tissues becomes glycated (sugar molecules bind to proteins and affect bone structure). This makes bones more brittle and more likely to break.
- Insulin resistance
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, it is essential for the activity of bone-forming cells, supporting bone formation. However, in diabetic patients, insulin resistance occurs, affecting the bone formation process and weakening the bones.
- Diabetic neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy weakens the nerves and leads to loss of sensation, causing frequent falls. After falls, your bones become weaker, leading to fractures.
To limit the effects of diabetes on bone quality, you need to pay attention to the following:
- Regular bone check-ups
People with long-term diabetes or uncontrolled blood sugar should have regular osteoporosis screenings to monitor bone health.
- Pay attention to a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
To have healthy bones, you need to supplement foods rich in calcium. Besides, to absorb calcium better, you also need vitamin D. To get enough vitamin D, you should consume foods fortified with vitamin D such as fatty fish, egg yolks or supplements.
- Do exercise
To strengthen bones and reduce the risk of frequent falls, diabetics should regularly participate in weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, walking, weight training, etc. In addition, another added benefit of exercise is increased insulin sensitivity, which helps control blood sugar better.