How to control autoimmune disorders with diet

Hữu Vũ (THEO indianexpress) |

Autoimmune disorders are becoming an increasingly serious concern for public health and can be controlled by a suitable diet.

The link between autoimmune diseases and diet

According to Ms. Ishi Khosla, a clinical nutritionist at Escorts Health Care Center (India), some of the most common autoimmune diseases today include Hashimoto's thyroid disorder, enteritis, hair loss, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, autoimmune liver and kidney disease, skin conditions such as psoriasis or type 1 diabetes.

Environmental factors, diet and lifestyle have a big impact, and recent studies have shown the important role of the gut microbiome, food sensitivity and inflammation in causing autoimmune diseases.

An important factor that researchers emphasize is the decline or deficiency of nutrients in the diet.

When the body lacks nutrients, or when it is poorly absorbed due to intestinal problems, genetic factors can trigger autoimmune diseases.

This shows that people with autoimmune diseases can improve their health by maintaining a healthy gut bacteria system and providing adequate nutrition for the body, along with an anti-inflammatory diet.

Necessary nutrients

Ms. Ishi Khosla said that important nutrients that can support the treatment and control of autoimmune disorders include: Vitamins A, D, K, B vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron and essential fats.

In particular, vitamin A helps calm the immune system. When there is a vitamin A deficiency in the body, it will be associated with rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes.

Vitamin A can be found in foods such as eggs, fish, shellfish, cod liver oil, liver, butter and ghee.

Vitamin D is also very important in reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system. It can help reduce symptoms of autoimmune conditions such as enteritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin D is abundant in foods containing animal fat and milk, but the most effective way for the body to absorb it is through exposure to sunlight.

Another common problem is iron deficiency anemia, which is a condition associated with many autoimmune diseases. Ferritin (reserved iron) is mainly absorbed in the intestines, and when absorption is impaired due to inflammation or damage to the intestinal lining, the iron stores may decrease.

To overcome this condition, patients can supplement iron from foods such as green leafy vegetables, beets, carrot juice, black beans and watermelon.

In addition, micronutrients such as selenium, magnesium, zinc and essential fatty acids (omega-3) also have anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Supplementing these nutrients not only helps soothe inflammation but also supports the recovery and healing of the intestines.

Hữu Vũ (THEO indianexpress)

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Đinh đinh (theo verywellhealth) |

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