Why you shouldn't throw away broccoli stems


While broccoli (cauliflower) is rich in essential nutrients , its stems also have health benefits .

Health benefits of broccoli stems

According to Dr. Karan Rajan - health care expert, nutritionist, surgeon and clinical lecturer at the University of Sunderland (UK), the stems of broccoli are thick and often discarded as a product. The side dish is not appetizing.

However, this practice is extremely wasteful, as broccoli stems are not only edible but also contain many valuable nutrients that can improve your overall diet.

“Next time you eat broccoli, consider eating both the stem and florets. While the flowers are high in vitamin A, the stems also contain many other nutrients. Things like vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, iron, folate, zinc and not to mention more insoluble fiber to add to your daily fiber intake,” advises Dr. Karan Rajan .

According to Ms. Kanikka Malhotra, a nutrition consultant and certified diabetes educator in India, broccoli stems are often thrown away, even though they are a very good source of nutrition. They provide vitamins A, C, fiber, potassium and folate, and may have more calcium, iron and vitamin C.

Additionally, both the stem and flower contain sulforaphane, a compound with potential anti-cancer properties.

Ms. Malhotra advises that you can add broccoli stems to your daily dishes in the following ways:

Chopped: Add to stir-fries, omelets or cheelas for a nutritional boost.

Peel and julienne: Enjoy raw in salads for a crisp and refreshing taste.

Grill: Cut into bars, mix with olive oil and spices, and grill cauliflower and its stems for a delicious side dish.

Make broth: Use chopped stems to make broth for creamy broccoli soup, making the dish richer and adding more nutrients to the body.

How to reduce food waste

Ms. Malhotra recommends applying the following cooking techniques to ensure broccoli stems are both delicious and retain their nutritional value and reduce waste.

Soften broccoli stems: Peel off the thick outer skin of old stems for a softer, fresher interior texture.

Minimize cooking time: Overcooking will destroy the nutrients in the broccoli stem. Therefore, you should steam or grill for optimal results.

Enhance flavor: Marinating or quickly sauteing with garlic and ginger can add flavor to broccoli stems.


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