3 Tips to Overcome Depression After a Breakup

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO Healthshots) |

A broken relationship can cause many people to fall into depression. Here are 3 tips to overcome depression after a breakup.

What is post breakup depression?

Post-breakup depression is a psychological and emotional state of distress following a major shock related to a romantic relationship. It often appears in people who have high expectations for love, are in long-term relationships, or have experienced relationship problems.

Statistics show that more than 75% of people who experience depression after a breakup are women. This may be related to the fact that women are more vulnerable and tend to think negatively than men. Although men can also experience depression after a breakup, they often have strong wills and many hobbies that help them overcome this difficult period.

Signs of depression after a breakup are often: Not accepting the breakup, sadness, crying, isolating yourself, prolonged insomnia, negative thinking and fear of a new relationship.

Here are 3 ways to help you deal with depression after a breakup according to Healthshots:

Connect with friends and family

To get rid of the depression and sadness after a breakup, confide in your loved ones, whether it be your family or friends. Looking straight at the situation and clearly stating the problem you are facing is an effective "medicine" to help improve your mood.

If you don't have anyone to talk to, consider joining a support group or seeking professional help.

Participate in activities

Depression after a breakup often causes you to lose interest in activities or hobbies you used to enjoy. However, to overcome this stage, you must find ways to regularly engage in fun and positive activities, as this will help improve your mood. Start by going out with friends once a week or taking up new activities that you enjoy.

Set goals

Set small goals that you can accomplish. Achieving your desired goals will keep you motivated and focused on the positive aspects of your life.

For example, you might write down three things you can look forward to doing next week or make a list of five things you want to do in the next month. These small tasks can help relieve feelings of boredom and improve your mood.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO Healthshots)

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