Rattan shell
According to the Sleep Foundation, the bark of the plant is a herb used by China to support sleep. Its main compound is honokiol, which shortens sleeping time by binding to GABA receptors in the brain, promoting sleep.
Some studies show that using the shell of a broad-broken plant helps the spirit become more alert at night. But when you put your back on the bed, you will quickly fall asleep compared to normal.
The shell of a broad-leafed flower can be used as a drinking tea. However, tea made from thick-fried orange peel can cause unpleasant flavors for many people, so consider combining it with some other natural ingredients.
Many studies show that lavender has sedative properties, helping users sleep better. High- Biological properties of active ingredients such as linalool in lavender have relaxation, calmness, reducing stress and anxiety, helping you feel secure going into deep sleep. Therefore, many people make lavender tea to drink at night.
In addition, inhaling the scent of lavender also has the effect of improving sleep quality. Instead of supplementing orally, we can use lavender in the form of essential oils to reduce nighttime waking, improve mood.
Female garden tree
The roots of the female canopy are often used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and headaches thanks to valerenic acid. Research shows that Seaweed extract can improve sleep without side effects.
Sweet potato root is effective as a sleep aid due to its two natural sedatives, valepotriates and sesquiterpenes. The research results reported that nearly 90% of participants fell asleep faster and better when using the roots of the female garden plant.
Fate flowers
Passionflower contains flavonoids, which have a relaxing effect on the nerves, helping to reduce stress and sleep better. According to traditional medicine, passionflower is cool, bitter and sweet, in addition to treating insomnia, it also helps stabilize the central nervous system, prevent anxiety and anxiety.
Researchers have found that when combining passionflower with other sleep-enhancing herbs such as the Seaweed plant, they are effective in reducing insomnia in the short term.
Vien chi has a bitter taste, is calm, has a sedative effect, and supports the treatment of insomnia. Accordingly, pharmacy contains saponin, which helps boost immunity, fight oxidation, nourish the nervous system, reduce stress, anxiety, and fall asleep easily.
To treat insomnia and nighttime sleep, you can use farming as a drink. Just combine the goji berries, tubers, and cartilage and turn them into water, drink them 3 times a day, and your sleep will improve.