According to the People's Procuracy of Hai Duong province, a rare incident occurred in 1994, when Mr. Vu Huu A and Ms. Nguyen Thi B went to the People's Committee of Van An commune, Chi Linh district (now Van An ward, Chi Linh city, Hai Duong province) to register their marriage.
Because Ms. B was born in 1977, at that time she was not yet 18 years old, not old enough to register for marriage according to the 1986 Law on Marriage and Family, so Ms. B declared her name as Nguyen Thi C, born in 1974 (the name of Ms. B's older sister) to be old enough to register for marriage.
The People's Committee of Van An commune did not verify or clarify the date of birth or check the identity documents of the couple and issued a marriage certificate with the name of the husband Vu Van A, born in 1974 and the wife Nguyen Thi C, born in 1974 for the couple.
However, in reality, Mr. A and Ms. C are not married and do not live together. Instead, Mr. A and Ms. B are two people who came to the People's Committee of the commune to register their marriage. The two families held a wedding ceremony and lived together as husband and wife since 1994. Up to now, they have 2 children together.
The fact that the People's Committee of Van An Ward (Chi Linh City, Hai Duong Province) carried out the marriage registration for Mr. A and Ms. C without checking, verifying, and comparing the identity documents and date of birth of the registrants, leading to the issuance of a marriage registration certificate to Mr. A and Ms. C while in fact the person who registered the marriage with Mr. A was Ms. B (Ms. C's younger sister), is a violation of the provisions of Article 5 of the 1986 Law on Marriage and Family (corresponding to Article 9 of the 2000 Law on Marriage and Family; Clause 6, Article 3, Article 8 of the 2014 Law on Marriage and Family).
The above violations and shortcomings are due to many reasons. Objectively, it is due to the person registering the marriage not declaring truthfully. Subjectively, it is due to the professional staff assigned to do the above work not being careful, not checking the marriage registration documents carefully and not comparing the identity documents of the person registering.
Although the above marriage registration violations occurred in 1994, they are also violations that may arise in the future.
Therefore, to ensure the prevention of violations of the law in marriage registration activities, avoid similar violations in the future as well as contribute to improving the quality of administrative procedures for marriage registration in Van An ward (Chi Linh city, Hai Duong province), the People's Procuracy of Chi Linh city recommends that the Chairman of the People's Committee of Van An ward organize a common experience exchange on the above violations and shortcomings to avoid similar violations and shortcomings from happening.