Couple in their 70s, one with depression and one with cancer, are still happy


With the theme of Love, "Husband and Wife Harmony" brings an interesting and meaningful journey story of the couple Kim Huy - Huu Tri.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim Huy - Huu Tri first met in 1975, in a difficult economic context. They met through the family's introduction; gradually the couple understood and loved each other.

After more than a year of dating, they got married in 1976. At that time, life was still very difficult, without much of a career, but the couple always agreed and supported each other in everything, from farming to taking care of the family.

Ms. Kim Huy said that since getting married, the couple has always had a progressive spirit, wishing for a better life. Initially, they lived in the countryside, then gradually moved to towns, cities, and finally Ho Chi Minh City. The couple had to sell their house many times to move towards a better life, at the same time creating conditions for their children to study and develop.

They have 4 children (3 boys, 1 girl) and 8 grandchildren. The whole family is stable and successful.

Mr. Huu Tri said that the couple has been living with their daughter for 7 years now to treat Mrs. Kim Huy's illness. Mr. Tri said that at first, the couple tried to persevere but in the end, they had to rely on their children because they were too "weak".

Ms. Kim Huy was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2015 and had to undergo two rounds of radiation therapy. However, thanks to her optimistic spirit and her husband's dedicated care, she overcame the difficult period and her health has now improved.

She shared that although the disease did not cause pain, it made it difficult for her to breathe at night. Every night, Mr. Huu Tri opened the window to comfort his wife when she had trouble sleeping.

Just when things seemed to be going well when Mrs. Kim Huy’s health improved, Mr. Huu Tri discovered he was depressed about 3 years ago. Although his financial life was stable, the constant insomnia made him tired and stressed. At that time, his wife was always by his side, taking care of him and worrying about his health.

Although there were times of disagreement and anger during their 48 years of living together, Mrs. Huy was always the one who gave in and endured. Mr. Tri admitted that he was a hot-tempered person, but thanks to his wife's gentleness and patience, the two of them overcame all difficulties.

Ms. Kim Huy shared that there were times when she felt very sad and angry, but she never showed it, but always calmed herself down to preserve family happiness.

When angry, Mr. Huu Tri said, he often goes out for a while to cool down, then comes back and everything is back to normal as if nothing happened. It is tolerance and forgiveness that has helped the two maintain a strong relationship for nearly half a century.

Closing the program, Ms. Kim Huy emotionally expressed that she had loved and understood her husband little by little over the past 48 years.

Mr. Huu Tri sent his thanks to his wife for always being tolerant and forgiving of him over the years. He hopes to be with his wife for the rest of their lives.


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