The video recording the jealousy beating in Can Tho has been spreading rapidly across social media platforms in recent days. Accordingly, H.N.B.T (41 years old) and her sister attacked N.T.N.Q (36 years old), her husband's colleague, after discovering the two were riding in the same car.
On January 4, at the investigation agency, the "first wife" H.N.B.T admitted that there was no evidence to prove the affair between her husband and the female colleague. However, when she discovered that her husband was riding in the same car with Ms. Q, T became jealous and angry.
The question is, what do the "people around" who were screaming, cheering, and rushing to beat Q and T that day think when they read this information?
Screenwriter Dang Thieu Ngan shared his opinion, “I followed the incident when the story spread all over social networks. First of all, I affirm that I do not advocate adultery. Adultery is of course wrong. But the biggest fault in an affair must belong to the man. With such a person, why do women have to fight to win it?”
According to screenwriter Dang Thieu Ngan, the scariest thing about this incident was the crowd standing there cheering and encouraging the women to fight. It was the crowd that helped and motivated the wife to act.
“The cheers and encouragement of the crowd can make the wife's blood boil, her anger can be uncontrollable. The wife will feel sympathy, that she is doing the right thing, that she is being encouraged to do it. The people standing there excitedly watching, filming, cheering and insulting the girl... are really scary. That is not only cruel, insensitive, but also irresponsible. Does anyone think that after that incident, the wife will have to bear criminal responsibility? Who among them thinks that the children of that couple will live when the father is accused of having an affair, the mother may have to go to court for beating her? If it goes further, who in that crowd will visit the wife's sister?...” - screenwriter Dang Thieu Ngan expressed his personal perspective on the incident.
Jealousy beatings like the one in the viral video in Can Tho are no longer new. In recent years, jealousy beatings have been continuously shared on social networks with increasing frequency, gaining high views, with some jealousy beating videos gaining millions of views and comments and interactions.
As screenwriter Dang Thieu Ngan said, the scariest thing is that these jealousy beatings receive sympathy and encouragement from the majority of public opinion, that "the mistress deserves to be beaten", "the main wife needs to punish the mistress", while the biggest fault in an affair comes from the unfaithful husband.
After a jealous fight, the ones who suffer the most are the children. Especially when the video or clip spreads at a dizzying speed. A jealousy fight in Can Tho, but after a few hours, the whole country knew. How will the children of that family go to school, when their friends and the whole school know that their father is having an affair, and their mother is stripping another girl?
“Smart women don’t fight with other women” was once a saying shared by psychologists. Think about your children, your parents, and above all, women must love themselves. Live proudly. Why lower yourself, defame yourself, and cause damage to yourself by fighting?