Support level for redundant commune-level civil servants in Tien Giang

Thục Quyên |

Surplus commune-level cadres and civil servants due to the rearrangement of commune-level administrative units in Tien Giang are entitled to support, in addition to the regimes and policies prescribed by law.

Resolution No. 04/2024/NQ-HDND effective from August 1, 2024, regulating the policy of supporting termination of employment for cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers, and non-professional workers who are redundant due to the rearrangement of commune-level administrative units in Tien Giang province, period 2023 - 2025.

In particular, the subjects are commune-level cadres and civil servants in positions, titles, and job positions determined by competent authorities to be redundant according to regulations, within 5 years from the effective date of the resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the arrangement for each commune-level administrative unit, if they voluntarily retire before the age or quit their jobs, in addition to enjoying the regimes and policies according to the provisions of law, they will also receive one-time support according to the number of years of work, as follows:

Each year of work is supported with 1/2 month of current salary (including salary according to rank, position, title, plus leadership position allowances, seniority allowances exceeding the framework, seniority allowances and reserved difference (if any) or salary according to job position.

The salary and allowance used as the basis for calculating the support level are the salary and allowance of the previous month of the cadre or civil servant who is decided by the competent authority to retire early or quit the job (not including the salary and allowance of the position that the person is assigned to hold concurrently).

The support period is calculated from the date the competent authority decides to accept, assign, recruit, appoint, approve election results until receiving the decision to retire early or quit the job (not including the time that has been resolved to enjoy social insurance or severance allowance before), if there are odd months, it is calculated as follows:

a) Over 6 months to under 12 months: counted as 1 year of work;

b) From 3 months to 6 months: counted as 1/2 year of work and entitled to support equal to 1/2 of the corresponding support level according to Clause 1 or Clause 2 of this Article;

c) Under 3 months: not counted.

The above support for surplus commune-level officials and civil servants will be guaranteed by the State budget.

Thục Quyên

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