Proposal on number of cadres and civil servants in wards in Da Nang

Ái Vân |

Officials and civil servants working in wards and communes in Da Nang are part of the staff of district and commune officials in the city; managed and employed by the People's Committee of the district and commune.

The Government is drafting a Decree regulating the organization and operation of the District People's Committee and the responsibility regime of the District People's Committee Chairman; the organization and operation of the Ward People's Committee and the responsibility regime of the Ward People's Committee Chairman; election, recruitment, management and use of civil servants working at the District People's Committee and cadres and civil servants working at wards and communes; making estimates, implementing and settling district and ward budgets in Da Nang city (Decree).

According to the draft Decree in Article 11 on the organizational structure of the Ward People's Committee, the organizational structure of the Ward People's Committee includes: Chairman of the Ward People's Committee; Vice Chairman of the Ward People's Committee; Commander of the Ward Military Command; Chief of the Ward Police; Civil servants: Office - Statistics; Land - Construction - Urban and Environment; Finance - Accounting; Justice - Civil status; Culture - Society.

Civil servants working at the Ward People's Committee are those who are recruited and appointed to hold positions within the organizational structure of the Ward People's Committee (except for the position of Ward Police Chief).

Article 20 of the draft Decree stipulates the number of cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes.

Accordingly, cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes are part of the cadre and civil servant payroll of districts and towns belonging to the city; managed and employed by the People's Committee of districts and towns.

The number of cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes is calculated based on the type of administrative unit of the ward or commune, economic activities and local characteristics, population size and additional natural area of ​​the administrative unit of the ward or commune according to Government regulations.

Regarding the authority to decide on the number of cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes, the draft Decree states: Every year, the City People's Committee submits to the City People's Council a decision on the number of cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes for each district and county administrative unit of the City within the total number of cadres and civil servants assigned to the District and County People's Committees, but must ensure that the total number of cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes of district and county administrative units in the entire City does not exceed the total number of cadres and civil servants working in wards and communes calculated for the entire city administrative unit according to the provisions of law.

Every year, the People's Committee of the district decides on the specific number of cadres and civil servants working at each administrative unit of the ward and commune and arranges the number of cadres and civil servants of each cadre and civil servant position working at the ward and commune under its management in accordance with the requirements and tasks of each administrative unit of the ward and commune.

The number of cadres and civil servants in each administrative unit of ward and commune may be lower than the level of ward and commune type III or may be higher than the level of ward and commune type I according to the provisions of law, but must ensure that it does not exceed the total number of cadres and civil servants working in the ward and commune of the entire district and county administrative unit assigned by the City People's Council.

According to Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 33/2023/ND-CP, the number of commune-level cadres and civil servants is calculated according to the type of commune-level administrative unit, specifically as follows:

- For wards: Type I is 23 people; Type II is 21 people; Type III is 19 people;

- For communes and towns: Type I is 22 people; Type II is 20 people; Type III is 18 people.

Ái Vân

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