Facing Imprisonment Sentence and Suga BTS's Uprising

Thùy Trang |

The incident of Suga driving while intoxicated has led to a severe backlash, with the artist facing intense criticism, and even calls for him to leave BTS.

Recently, the commotion surrounding Suga has drawn public attention as he is being investigated by the police for driving under the influence. Many Korean media outlets believe that Suga will face severe penalties, possibly even imprisonment.

Dispatch reported that a representative from the Yongsan Police Station (Seoul) stated in an interview: "Suga of BTS was driving an electric scooter. After inspection, this vehicle does not fall under the PM (personal mobility - referring to vehicles with a maximum speed of less than 25km/h and a weight of less than 30kg) category."

The vehicle driven by Suga (BTS) falls under the category of "motorized bicycles." In this case, the criminal penalty will be applied similarly to cases of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Suga and his management company, Big Hit Music, quickly issued a statement acknowledging their mistake and apologizing. However, they were immediately accused of lying to downplay the severity of the incident.

Korean fans believe that this incident also tarnishes the exemplary military service image that the members of BTS have actively built.

Currently, all BTS members are and have been fulfilling their mandatory military service, except for Suga, who is serving as a social worker due to a shoulder injury and has been exempted from military service.

Therefore, Suga's violation of the law during his military service has led to public criticism of his lack of discipline and failure to focus on completing his duties.

In fact, some posts on online forums have even called for Suga to leave the group to avoid affecting the other members.

Suga is embroiled in controversy, affecting his image. Photo: Instagram
Suga is embroiled in controversy, affecting his image. Photo: Instagram

In BTS, Suga is known for his bold and individualistic musical style. He is evaluated as having a reckless, rebellious, and open-minded personality, and is not afraid to express his personal opinions.

Suga began writing music at the age of 13 and participated in music production. At the age of 16, the rapper completed his debut song.

Before becoming a trainee and debuting as a K-pop idol, Suga and RM were actively involved in the underground music scene (non-mainstream music that is difficult to popularize among the masses).

When he became an idol, Suga lost the favor of many people in the industry. He was once criticized by rapper B-Free with the following rap: "You two (Suga and RM) may have chosen the path of becoming rappers, but you couldn't resist temptation. Is BTS's music considered hip-hop? You look like a girl who likes hip-hop on stage with your makeup."

Suga also responded with a provocative statement in the song "Cypher PT.2: Triptych." The rap by Suga contains the line: "When you were active in the underground, BTS was already on the surface (playing with words, underground also means under the ground - PV). The number of pens I use is more than the number of your fans."

Suga's response was once a subject of controversy as many people believed that he was again belittling the community he came from.

However, this was not the first time Suga "touched" sensitive issues in his raps. The rapper has also hinted at exploitation by the company, discussed themes of depression and social anxiety, and challenged anti-fans or dared to provoke those who hate him.

Suga has also shown his diversity and open-mindedness by collaborating with artists from within and outside the country, such as Halsey, IU, PSY, Heize, Suran, etc.

To date, Suga owns the rights to over 170 songs.

Unlike Jungkook, who is bold enough to get tattoos, or RM, who posts pictures of himself smoking, Suga conveys his thoughts through songs, but has also caused a stir many times with his straightforward and direct lyrics.

Even group leader RM has commented that Suga is a "hidden rebel" who is not afraid to take risks and express his opinions.

Thùy Trang

Diễn viên Diễm Hằng: Ai yêu tôi, tôi sẽ lo cho từ A đến Z

Nhóm PV |

Nữ diễn viên Diễm Hằng chia sẻ về lý do nhận vai Yên trong phim trong phim "Sao Kim bắn tim sao Hỏa".

Suga BTS đối mặt mức phạt 5 năm tù


Theo thông tin của tờ Dong-A Ilbo chiều 9.8, kết quả kiểm tra hơi thở cho thấy nồng độ cồn trong máu của Suga (BTS) là 0,227%.

Suga (BTS) có thể bị phạt tù vì lái xe khi say rượu

Dương Hương |

Suga (BTS) sẽ tiếp tục bị điều tra và xử phạt hình sự vì chiếc xe là anh lái khi say rượu không phải xe điện tốc độ thấp.

Suga BTS bị yêu cầu rời nhóm


Ồn ào lái xe khi say rượu đã khiến Suga (BTS) đối mặt với bão chỉ trích. Trong đó nhiều người yêu cầu anh rời nhóm.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Quảng Ninh chi 1.000 tỉ đồng khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh đã thống nhất chủ trương dành 1.000 tỉ đồng từ nguồn tiết kiệm chi thường xuyên cho khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3.

Cháy nhà trong ngõ nhỏ tại Cầu Giấy, khói cao hàng chục mét


Đám cháy xảy ra vào khoảng 12h trưa 17.9, tại một nhà dân trong ngõ 58 Trần Bình (quận Cầu Giấy, TP Hà Nội).

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.