Two female stars fight "fighting" at a fashion event

Theo Người Lao Động |

Famous female rapper Nicki Minaj and Cardi B shocked everyone when they fought at a fashion event within the framework of New York - US Fashion Week on September 7. Cardi B was injured in the forehead.

Information, photos and video clips about the fight between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B quickly spread on social networks. The incident happened quite quickly. In the video clip, the two stars shouted loudly in the crowd and Cardi B took off his shoes and threw at Nicki Minaj before the two sides rushed at each other.

At the end of the incident, Cardi B left the event with her bare feet, swollen forehead and diaper torn.

Cardi B later posted on Instagram explaining the fight with frustrating shares: "I put up with her a lot! I endured when she spread lies about me, trying every way to hinder my work.

She threatened that other artists would not work with me, otherwise she would stop working with them. She was still Talking and Speaking loudly to me, but I still tried to endure. I still talk about the royal court, greeting her every time I meet her. But this time, she commented on the way I raised my child, touching the sacred things in me that I could not ignore...".

Nicki Minaj has not commented on the incident. The initial fight was attributed to her. An event participant said that Nicki Minaj intentionally caused trouble with Cardi B. However, the details of the incident have not been released. Nicki Minaj fans defended their idol, asserting that she was not the cause of the fight and leaving many attacking comments on Cardi B's account.

The authorities confirmed that after the fight, no one was arrested but the investigation is still ongoing.

Nicki Minaj and Cardi B fought just a few months after meeting at the Met Gala. The two took photos and laughed friendly together even though they had always been in a fight and struggled on social media. Therefore, fans thought that these two beauties had reconciled and ended the conflict.

Theo Người Lao Động

"Mưa" án phạt cho pháo sáng và ẩu đả, cãi trọng tài


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T.S |

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