Miss Mai Phuong Thuy apologizes for being drunk while livestreaming


Miss Mai Phuong Thuy apologized to the audience and explained her action of livestreaming while drunk.

On the evening of October 3, Miss Mai Phuong Thuy attracted attention when she had a livestream to confide and interact with the audience. The beauty appeared in an unconscious state after drinking beer, admitting that she was drunk, but still wanted to share special memories with everyone.

Miss Vietnam 2006 said: "I'm drunk, I rarely get drunk. I hope I don't set a bad example. I discovered that when I'm drunk, I don't need to talk logically, from beginning to end, and I don't need to do everything reasonably.

It's so nice to be drunk after so long and have you guys here to share with me. I will keep this memory in my heart, cherish it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you 1,000 people for watching me get drunk today. For me, this is a beautiful experience."

Mai Phuong Thuy's livestream made many people unhappy. Her speaking while drunk was considered inappropriate, and she needed to control her words and public image.

Hoa hau Mai Phuong Thuy livestream trong tinh trang say xin toi 3.10. Anh: Cat tu video Facebook
Miss Mai Phuong Thuy livestreamed while drunk on the evening of October 3. Photo: Cut from Facebook video

Recently, Miss Vietnam 2006 spoke up to explain that she drank beer after practicing tennis. Mai Phuong Thuy will accept the audience's comments, review her behavior, and promise to pay more attention, avoid similar cases from happening so as not to set a bad example for young people.

Mai Phuong Thuy was born in 1988, crowned Miss Vietnam 2006 and entered the top 17 of the Miss World 2006 contest.

After that, the beauty entered the entertainment industry, working in fashion, acting in movies, being a beauty pageant judge, and participating in reality TV shows.

In recent years, the 36-year-old beauty queen has focused on her business.

In 2023, Mai Phuong Thuy revealed her health condition. She had to be hospitalized due to a heart attack and difficulty breathing. Therefore, the beauty spends a lot of time practicing sports such as tennis, yoga, etc.


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