What did Tuan Hung say when he was "abandoned" in Brother Who Overcomes Thousands Of Thorns?

Thùy Trang |

Singer Tuan Hung shared his thoughts after not being chosen by his juniors to join the team in "Anh trai vu cong gai".

On his personal page, Tuan Hung posted a long article after he rewatched episode 11 of "Brother Who Overcomes Thousands Of Thorns", revolving around the team selection and song auction for show 5.

The male singer confided that the program brought him many emotions, sometimes uplifting, sometimes falling to the bottom.

"Perhaps my long solo path has formed a personal character for me, and somewhere when I join a group, that ego sticks out like a thorn, making those around me feel awkward, uncomfortable, and difficult to integrate.

All the feelings in episode 11 can only be understood by those involved, only those who are chosen know, only those who are waiting can understand," Tuan Hung shared.

Although not satisfied, Tuan Hung said he suppressed his emotions for the sake of the team. From there, he learned a lesson and gained experience working in a team.

Tuan Hung affirmed that he is persistent, does not give up and is patient to understand himself better.

As an experienced singer and also one of the oldest artists, Tuan Hung surprised everyone when he was not chosen by Cuong Seven and Dinh Tien Dat to join their team in episode 11.

Tuan Hung noi ve hanh trinh tham gia “Anh trai vuot ngan chong gai“. Anh: Nha san xuat
Tuan Hung talks about his journey participating in “Brother Who Overcomes Thousands Of Thorns“. Photo: Producer

The talent recruitment part was quite dramatic, when not only the leaders of the two houses, but also the members themselves had their own hesitations and choices before entering the new performance.

The result was quite surprising when the two talented Phan Dinh Tung and Tuan Hung were not chosen by any leader until the last minute. In the end, both were sent to the house with insufficient members, the Elite house of Cuong Seven.

When the last two members walked out of the selection door, the atmosphere was quite awkward and difficult because both Tuan Hung and Phan Dinh Tung have been active for many years.

Previously, when talking to Cuong Seven in the talent recruitment leader section, Tuan Hung was confused and said that Dinh Tien Dat did not invite him to his team. He shared: "Actually, having to sit in a position chosen or not chosen by everyone, sometimes makes that person a bit self-conscious. But I wish I didn't have to choose anyone."

Understanding the dilemma of leader Cuong Seven, Tuan Hung proactively asked his juniors to freely choose the person they needed. After that, it would be up to fate to decide who he would go home to.

Previously, when the team did not have the desired results in the first performance, Tuan Hung was also sad and blamed himself. He once shared: “I am very sad because I tried my best but still did not get good results. At that time, we were filming at 3am. We had to film hard from 7am to late at night and 4-5 days like that a week. No one could bear it, everyone was sick.”

Thùy Trang

Cường Seven xử lý tinh tế khi Tuấn Hưng, Đinh Tùng bị bỏ lại

Chí Long |

Tuấn Hưng và Phan Đinh Tùng là 2 anh tài cuối cùng còn lại khi 2 nhà phân chia thành viên ở tập 11 "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai".

Tiền vé show Tuấn Hưng - Duy Mạnh tiếp tục làm thiện nguyện

Bảo Nguyên |

Ngoài 3 tỉ đồng ủng hộ đồng bào miền Bắc khắc phục hậu quả mưa lũ, tiền bán vé show Tuấn Hưng - Duy Mạnh sẽ tiếp tục tham gia các hoạt động thiện nguyện.

Hơn 1 triệu người xem Tuấn Hưng và Duy Mạnh hờn dỗi

Thùy Trang |

Đêm diễn của Tuấn Hưng và Duy Mạnh ở Tam Đảo tối 21.9 thu hút sự quan tâm của khán giả.

Cây mai cổ xù kỳ mỹ ở Kiên Giang xác lập kỷ lục Việt Nam


Kiên Giang - Cổ xù kỳ mỹ là cây mai vàng kiểng cổ, xù chảy toàn thân, dáng trực một cốt đạt giá trị độc bản tại Việt Nam.

Điều chuyển 2 sư đoàn bộ binh của Quân đoàn 4

Lam Duy |

Sư đoàn bộ binh 7 và Sư đoàn bộ binh 309 sẽ được điều chuyển từ Quân đoàn 4 về Quân khu 7.

Bánh lá liễu độc lạ của người Tiều ở Chợ Lớn

Thạch Lựu |

Với màu hồng bắt mắt, bánh lá liễu (hay bánh hồng đào) là món ăn truyền thống của người Triều Châu luôn có trong những dịp lễ, Tết.

Miền Bắc sắp chuyển mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 200mm


Cơ quan khí tượng dự báo từ chiều tối 29.9, miền Bắc chuyển mưa rào và dông. Trọng tâm mưa ở khu vực trung du và vùng núi.

Tàu trật bánh hai lần trong một ngày khi qua Huế


HUẾ - Chỉ trong một ngày, tàu khi qua địa bàn Thừa Thiên Huế trật bánh hai lần.

Cuong Seven handled the situation delicately when Tuan Hung and Dinh Tung were left behind

Chí Long |

Tuan Hung and Phan Dinh Tung are the last two remaining talents when the two houses divide their members in episode 11 of "Brother Who Overcomes Thousands Of Thorns".

Ticket money from Tuan Hung - Duy Manh's show continues to be used for charity

Bảo Nguyên |

In addition to 3 billion VND to support people in the North to overcome the consequences of floods, the money from ticket sales of Tuan Hung - Duy Manh's show will continue to participate in charity activities.

More than 1 million people watched Tuan Hung and Duy Manh sulking

Thùy Trang |

Tuan Hung and Duy Manh's performance in Tam Dao on the evening of September 21 attracted the attention of the audience.