
Actor of the movie Tay Trang was almost run over by a car, Trinh Sang was mentioned


The video recorded the moment the actor was almost run over by a car to top 1 hot keyword on Weibo (China). Trinh Sang was also mentioned in the posts.

Tran Thanh dominates the music market with a group of brothers and talents


Thanks to the appeal of the music entertainment program, Tran Thanh and his singers created new trends, rotating digital music charts.

Rose's "APT." is the 17th best-selling single globally in 2024


Rose (Blackpink) is the first female K-pop artist in history to make the list of 20 best-selling songs globally according to the International Recording Industry Federation.

Unexpected beauty's identity is suspected of dating BTS's J-Hope


In recent days, the dating suspicion of J-Hope (BTS) and a Kpop beauty has attracted the attention of the audience.

BTS's Jungkook surpasses Lisa when reaching 17 million fans on Spotify


BTS's Jungkook has just set a new record when he surpassed Lisa in the number of fans and followers on Spotify.

Musician Giang Son: Hanoi is an endless theme for artists


Hanoi in the song "Hanoi 12 seasons of flowers" is always beautiful and romantic, especially when the song is sung every autumn. For musician Giang Son, this is a song associated with childhood, associated with childhood memories.

What do Ren Jialun and Li Landi have after "Flowing Water Flows"?


After "Flowing Water and Flowing Water" ended, Ren Jialun is filming a new movie, while Li Landi's movie "Snow and Flowing Water" is also waiting to be released.

Final 1: The Brother Overcame a Thousand Thorns is dramatic and evenly matched


At the end of the first final night of "Brother Overcoming Thousands of Challenges", the first talents who won a place in the All-Ranging Talent family were revealed.

Showbiz beat: 4 posts that caused a stir for Nam Thu


Nam Thu attracts attention, Anh Dao gets proposed to... are the entertainment news highlights on October 12.

9th Hour: Marrying a Wife to a Husband - Part 2


9th Hour - A couple lives together but has no feelings for each other. The wife always supports her husband to find new love. Where will this strange marriage story go?

Ngu Thu Han inspires with her self-love perspective


Ngu Thu Han's new share received support from the audience.

Fans send 1,000 wreaths to SM Company


SM Entertainment's decision to let male idol Seunghan return to work with the group RIIZE has angered fans.

Lisa's move after rumors of being indifferent to Blackpink


Lisa's latest move has dispelled rumors of being heartless towards Blackpink members.

Seventeen top 1, BTS regains form as hottest boy band


Seventeen, BTS and TWS top K-Pop boy group brand value rankings for October.

Pu and Chai come together in the last episode of "Walking in the Glorious Sky"?


In the final stage of "Walking in the Glorious Sky", Chai and Pu's feelings suddenly change from strange to intimate. Will the two end up together?

Soobin Hoang Son and HIEUTHUHAi - 2 focal points in 2 Brother shows


Soobin Hoang Son and HIEUTHUHAi are two prominent faces with a large fan base in the two Brother shows.

BB Tran shares before the final round of Brother Overcoming a Thousand Thorns


Before the final round of "Brother overcoming thousands of obstacles" on the evening of October 12, BB Tran shared his feelings.

Jennie (Blackpink) surpasses Lisa's achievement with "Mantra"


Jennie (Blackpink) achieved many impressive international achievements with her solo song "Mantra".

The sound of workers tapping spoons and the mystery in the 1986 classic Journey to the West music


"Van Cung Tan Am" - the opening song for the classic movie "Journey to the West 1986" once again became a hit thanks to the effects from the famous game.

Showbiz beat: Negav withdraws from concert 2 Say hi brother


Negav caused a stir when he announced his withdrawal from the concert, Le Quyen announced legal action... are the entertainment news highlights on October 11.