9 Vietnamese people in the top 10,000 scientists in the world

Vân Trang |

9 Vietnamese scientists are in the top 10,000 most influential cited scientists in the world in 2024.

Publisher Elsevier has just announced a list of the world's most influential scientists. This list was built by a group of scientists from Stanford University (USA), selected based on the Scopus database.

Among Vietnamese scientists working regularly in the country, 9 scientists are ranked in the world's top 10,000 and 60 scientists are ranked in the world's top 100,000 most influential scientists in 2024. Compared to 2023, this list has increased by 13 people.

Nine scientists in the world's top 10,000 include: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc and Associate Prof. Dr. Le Hoang Son (Hanoi National University); Prof. Dr. Tran Xuan Bach (Hanoi Medical University); Prof. Vo Xuan Vinh and Dr. Nguyen Phuc Canh (Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics); Dr. Tran Nguyen Hai and Dr. Hoang Nhat Duc (Duy Tan University); Associate Prof. Hoang Anh Tuan (Dong A University); Dr. Pham Thai Binh (University of Transport Technology).

Among these, some scientists have been in the top for many consecutive years such as Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hoang Son or Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc.

GS.TSKH Nguyen Dinh Duc, Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha Noi nhieu nam lot top cac nha khoa hoc co tam anh huong the gioi. Anh: VNU
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Hanoi National University, has been in the top of influential scientists in the world for many years. Photo: VNU

The 100,000 Influential People Ranking is based on the following indicators: scientific influence; total citations (excluding self-citations); Hirsch h-index; Schreiber hm-index; citations for articles published as a single author; citations for articles with the main author (first author, corresponding author, and last author)...

The list of sciences is divided into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields (disciplines/specialties).

Vân Trang

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