Parents' representative committee mobilizes illegal money collection

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - According to the Department of Education and Training of Binh Dinh province, there is a situation where the Parents' Representative Committee at some educational institutions collects illegal amounts of money.

On September 26, according to Lao Dong news source, Director of the Department of Education and Training of Binh Dinh province Dao Duc Tuan has just requested the Principals of High Schools and affiliated schools; Director of the Provincial Center for Continuing Education to organize a review and inspection of the 2024-2025 school year's revenues, to rectify the situation of mobilizing contributions of revenues outside of regulations.

Phu Cat High School No. 3 (Phu Cat district). Photo: Phu Cat High School No. 3 Information Portal

According to Mr. Dao Duc Tuan, in order to strengthen the management of school revenues, end the situation of illegal mobilization of contributions and the management and use of revenues in educational institutions, at the end of August 2024, the Department issued an official dispatch guiding educational institutions to implement the collection of tuition fees and service fees to serve and support educational activities other than tuition fees to meet the needs of learners and other revenues for the 2024-2025 school year.

The Department of Education and Training of Binh Dinh province has requested educational institutions to strictly implement not to collect fees as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training, such as: "Protecting school facilities, ensuring school security; supervising students' vehicles; cleaning classrooms and schools; rewarding school administrators, teachers and staff; purchasing machinery, equipment and learning materials for schools, classrooms or for school administrators, teachers and staff; supporting management, teaching and learning organization and educational activities; repairing, upgrading and constructing new school facilities" and making a commitment not to collect fees outside of regulations.

Nguyen Huu Quang High School (Phu Cat district). Photo: Nguyen Huu Quang High School Information Portal

However, at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, there was still a situation where the Parents' Representative Committee at educational institutions in the province mobilized money without ensuring the principle of voluntariness, causing negative impacts on the education and training sector.

According to the reflection of some parents, the Parents' Representative Board of Phu Cat High School No. 3 (Phu Cat District) mobilized to collect money to buy televisions for teaching; the Parents' Representative Board of Nguyen Huu Quang High School (Phu Cat District) mobilized to collect money to build a student parking lot, which is not in accordance with regulations.

Mr. Dao Duc Tuan - Director of Department of Education and Training of Binh Dinh province. Photo: Hoai Luan

"The principal of Phu Cat High School No. 3 and the principal of Nguyen Huu Quang High School must coordinate with the Parents' Representative Board to immediately correct the feedback and stop the illegal mobilization of voluntary principles," Mr. Dao Duc Tuan requested.

Hoài Phương

Doanh nghiệp lớn Hàn Quốc đến Bình Định tìm cơ hội đầu tư

Hoài Phương |

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Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


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When are the PTA funds used?

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