The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) issued Circular No. 30/TT-BGDDT dated December 30, 2024 on promulgating the Regulations on junior high school (THCS) and high school (THPT) admissions.
According to the new Circular, there are 3 methods of admission to grade 10 high school: Entrance exam; selection or a combination of entrance exam and selection. The selection of the admission method is under the authority of the locality.
Regarding the entrance exam method for grade 10 high school, to ensure consistency and ensure the viewpoint of a light and inexpensive exam, the Circular generally stipulates the implementation of 3 subjects and exams, including: Math, Literature and a third subject or exam selected by the Department of Education and Training.
The third exam subject is selected from among the subjects assessed by scores in the general education program at the secondary level, ensuring that the same third exam subject is not selected for more than three consecutive years.
The third exam is a combination exam of a number of subjects selected from among the subjects assessed by scores in the secondary school general education program.
For high schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, and research institutes that organize their own entrance exams, the third exam subject or a combination exam of a number of remaining subjects will be selected by the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, and research institutes directly managed by them.
The third exam or combined exam of a number of subjects is announced after the end of semester 1 but no later than March 31 every year.
Regarding exam time, the Circular stipulates: Literature 120 minutes; Math 90 minutes or 120 minutes; third exam 60 minutes or 90 minutes; combined exam 90 minutes or 120 minutes.
The exam content is within the secondary school education program, mainly grade 9.
Supplementing regulations on exam creation, exam supervision, and exam grading
The new circular supplements regulations on organizing entrance exams for grade 10, including general regulations on exam questions, exam supervision, exam grading, and exam review.
In which, the Department of Education and Training is given the authority to specify the making of exam questions, invigilation, grading, and review of exam papers in accordance with actual conditions. High schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, and research institutes shall follow the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, and research institutes or follow the regulations of the Department of Education and Training where the school is located.
Supplementing regulations on the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, research institutes with junior high schools or high schools or inter-level schools including junior high schools or high schools. In particular, the Circular assigns the authority to the provincial People's Committees, universities, colleges, research institutes with junior high schools and high schools to "direct junior high school and high school enrollment in the management area; decide to handle unusual cases in the process of organizing junior high school and high school enrollment".
Supplementing regulations on inspection, examination, rewards and handling of violations in enrollment work.