On the Government's Electronic Information Portal, Mr. Le Ba Trang asked: "Article 16 of Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP stipulating a 70% reduction in tuition fees (including students studying in specialized majors with heavy and toxic risks) is understood to be applied to all students or only to ethnic minority students? ".
On March 12, the Ministry of Education and Training responded to this issue as follows:
Point b Clause 1 Article 16 Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP dated August 27, 2021 of the Government regulating the mechanism for collecting and managing tuition fees for educational institutions in the national education system and policies on tuition exemption, reduction, and support for learning costs; service prices in the field of education and training stipulate the subjects entitled to the policy of 70% tuition reduction as follows:
"Students studying royal music, Cheo, Tuong, Cai Luong, dance, circus; some heavy, toxic, and dangerous occupations for vocational education according to the list of heavy, toxic, and dangerous occupations prescribed by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs".
Thus, the above regulation applies to all subjects who are students, not only to ethnic minority students.