Dien Bien lets all students stay home from school after storm No. 3

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On the morning of September 8, the Department of Education and Training of Dien Bien province issued an urgent dispatch on allowing students to stay home from school to cope with storm No. 3 and the floods after the storm.

Official dispatch of the Department of Education and Training of Dien Bien province sent to the People's Committees of districts, towns, cities and units under the Department of Education and Training requesting that preschool children, students and trainees in educational institutions stay home from school to urgently respond to storm No. 3 and floods after the storm.

Accordingly, preschool children, students and trainees in educational institutions in Dien Bien province will be off school to urgently respond to storm No. 3 and the floods after the storm. The school break will last for 2 days (from September 9 to 10).

Educational institutions must urgently notify students, trainees and parents of students and implement. For educational institutions with boarding and semi-boarding students, strict management must be organized to ensure student safety.

In case the boarding and semi-boarding areas are at risk of being unsafe when a natural disaster occurs, the school will proactively notify the parents to pick up their children and bring them home to ensure absolute safety.

In case a student has no family to pick him up or the movement is unsafe, the school must report to the local authorities, organize the movement of the student to a safe area, and prepare enough food and water for the student.

The Department of Education and Training of Dien Bien province also requested units to continue to strictly implement the instructions on focusing on emergency response to storm No. 3. Mobilize forces and means to be ready to coordinate with the local Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue when requested.

Nhóm phóng viên

Huyện đầu tiên ở Điện Biên triển khai mô hình chợ 4.0


Sau thành công với mô hình xây dựng các chợ trung tâm, huyện Mường Ảng tỉnh Điện Biên tiếp tục triển khai mô hình chợ 4.0 với các dịch vụ không dùng tiền mặt.

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Độc đáo “Ngày hội mổ lợn” đón năm học mới ở huyện nghèo


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Minh Nguyễn |

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